Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of EleElion. ~,his fellows the Eleven Apofiles exceeding in his view tha,t Number,) !:Jut he fets down [ {tw] as indefinitely fignified by tQat eight, then comparatively to - the whole World. Now then to confirm my Argument, that the Holy Ghofi by Ptttr'sPen having pointed us toNoahs Salvation, and his Sons with him, as that which was the figure of our like, though far fupemanfcending Salvation [Now) under the Gofpel; God hath by that one particular infiance ( ifthere were 110 more) fent us to the Story of Noah, and therein 1.mto all that concerned that of his Salvation in the Ark. And therein we finding alfo not a Promife but 8 Covenant tflablifbtdWith Noah for that Salvation; A Grace likewife'in the heart of God to have been the foundatiGn of that Covenant; An outward means, m1 Ark, the only. means that could have been ofthat Salvation, and this wholly ofGods mvenung :. an? therem Noah to have been _preferved in midfl ofwaters; And then vtewmg overthe New Tefiament (and the Old too, fo far .as pure Gofpel is up and down manifefied therein) we there do find up and down a Covenant made, and efiablifhed with, and for the faid Sal. vation ( which Salvation, Parrexprelly guides us unto) of Gods Elect under the Gofpel. And an exceeding abundant Grace, the Original Caufe and Fo~n· tain ofthat Salvation, and Cove1111nt: And Chrifi whom God hath fet forth as the only means! or name under, and whereby men fhould be faved trorn that wrath; That, iffound out ofhim, will fall upon all the World. Thefe things, and all thefe things being fo exprelly fet out unto our view; both on the one hand in O.nejis, and in this conjunction mentioned, and thofe O" ther; All ofthem which art: the fubfiantial points of our Chrifiian Religion) · we finding in our Gofpel as Caufes of our Salvation; :x.J.,, .;,.,; :x.J.,7@– Graee, for Grace, Covenant , for Covenant, Salvation, for Salvati= on, and an Ark for Chrifi; How !hall we otherwife but conclude, that thefe arc Parallels? <X in Pettrs language .z,f,.,,..: Lilu figures the one of the other, for in likenefs, and refemblance they correfpond one to the other. But we are not put to it for the proofof All this, to proceed by this way of confequentiallnferences; for behold they are all the four of them more than impliedly fpecified, and yoaked together, in tbili one Text of the Apofile Peter; For as there is No.1hs Salvation, for our Gofpel Salvation , fo his Ark Typifying forth our Chrifi, and that as exprelly, for his adding as his lafi words in the Verfe, Savedin Baptifm hy the Refurrethon of Jeftu Chrifl, is a manifefi reference unto, and refemblance of the manner.howNoah was f– ved in the Ark from out ofthe waters; and in being carried thorough the Wa– ters fafe to Land, it frill riling up under them as the Storms did fall, by parts, or by.wholc-fale upon it, and endangered the overwhelming of it, till at JaLl it arnvediafe, and relied on Mount Ararat; An exact F1gure and Semblance of Chrifi in palling thorough the waters ofDeath, Storms ofthat Wrath, and Curfe due to us, poured forth upon Him: By and under which it was not pof– fible for him to be holden, as Peter fpeaks Al1s 1.. and fo Noah received i~ as A6raham did that of!Jaacs delivery; As a.figure ofthe Refurrection of his Ark Chrifi, aod of all in Him. And whereas, here Baptifm is faid tG be the figure of the Ark, not Chrifi: I Anfwer, know ye not (as Rom. 6. the Apofile P aut fpeaks) That "'maNy aJ wert Baptifed i11to G6rijl, were Baptijtd ilrto the ltktnefs of hu Refurrt– l1ion; (As alfo of his Death firfi, )that like tU Chrifl Wal rai{ed up, &c. So we beimg planted together in and with him; l110uld after Baptifm walk in newnef£ oflife. So then, itisChrifi, in whofe Name we are Baptifed, and into whom we are implanted, which is the fignificancy of Baptifm. Agaia, jly, That the Baptifm is made the thing figured; doth as evidently prompt usto the CO'Venont of Grace, as included in Baptifm, and fo to have been prefigured therewith ; for what more properly doth Baptifm ferve? Or was Infiituted for as an end containing in it, than to be the Se11l ofthe New Covenant ofGrace (even as Gircumcifion was of the Old Covenant Gm. •7· And Baptifm alfo fucceeding in the Place, and Office ofit; as the Col, 1.. tells Tta, and CirC"Umcifion was then juddai11ly tht Seal oftht Covenant ofG_ract, to the Elect that were then, Rom. 4• 11. compared with Grn. •7· Thts wdl per-