Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of.Eleflion. 47 . ~------------~ P"rt'ecrly convi~ce us ; That therefore B"ptifm now much more is the Seal~ unto us of tu-n t Covm,mt,) i ea, and tlJe Broad Seal too of the whole Covenant; Cbo p, lf•-" That ~. of All things that arc contained in the Covenant; and is therefore Ad·~ m tnifircd but once for All ; Becaufe 1t at once comprehendetb allthar bo, long¥ to the Covenant for our Salv•uon : For there1n not onl~ the Grace of Jefus Chrifi, the Med~atourot the, and ofour tmplantmg mto Htm, and in to his Dearh, and R.efurrecr10n, are rcprefented ; , But We are Bapttfed, !1J the Name of the Father, as of tht Son; Yea, and alfo, in the Name. of the Holy Ghofl ! And therefore the Love o/'God the FrJt!m·, who is the Founder of the Covenant, /111dthe Commuwo11 of God the Holy Ghojl, The Appher of ofthe Covenanr, are Sealed up unto us, even all or thefe , and whatever the Covenant doth comprehend, and all thefe things at once : And therefore full 'well might the Apofile ( as be doth) tells us, That NiJahs Salv~tion was thq figure ofours ; For m the figunng our llapufm, 11 contamed as m a figure,all tbefe things in it: All t)Jat belong [ToVs Now,] that is, undt rrhe Gofpel; Both which words He with an inculcation, urgeth upon our Obfervatio~; that we might be deeply apprehenlive of the abound,ng ligmficancy of this (though but) one Type: How much ofour Gofpel truths fubltanrial Salvation were included in it alone , to the end to engage and fct our thoughts a 7 work, to fearch out the full Myfiery thercor at large in all the particulars ~~ . . . . This as to NMhs Covenant, afore his enrring into the Ark, f!ic, • There was a Covenant, (I mufi not call it another Covenanr, But yet ) a fe– cond time renewed with enlargement , and withal faid to be ejlab!Jj/;edwith Noah, and his Sons, after his and their coming out of the Ark; and promu!– ged upon his having offered up that famous Sacnfice in Gm, 8. the Iaft Verfes ; And then in Gm. 9· in the 8th. Verf. Godfpake unto Noah, alld h14 Jims with· him, ( So it runs there unto them,as well•sto h1m,) faying , A11d!, hhuld I Efla6tijb my Coventmt witb yo11, mJdy•ot<r Seed after you: And ag•in, Verf I I. And I wi/J eflablijb my Covmant with;ou, neitber jb,,/J a/Jj!tfb 6e cut ofl'mry more 6y th• of aflood; ntith.rJba/J there any more bt aflood, to deflroy•the Earth. This,fay I, was the Figure ofthe Covenant of Grace, to the Church ofthe New Tefiament, that were to be the Seed of Him, arid his Sons, ( ofwhich hereafter;) And unto the words of this Second Covenant with Noah more efpecially, it is that the words ot my Text in l}<llah relate,. Verf; 9· }'or as I haw fworn th,,t the waterJ vf Noah jhould no mor.go over the Earth ;Jo have I (worn tb,Jt I wi/J not be wroth with thee,nor rebulu thee. That is, my Everlafiing wrath fhall never overwhelm Thee ; (For ofthat wrath, thor Univerfal Flood, 'thot palfed over the refl of Mankind Children of wrath, was the figure) which words, not to dtflroy the Earth, are Jound in; and do belong to that Covenant in Gm. 9· as you will clearly fee, if you compare the even now forecited words our 01 Verf. 11. ofGen, 9. And this Covenant God fiiles here in lfaiah, [the Covma111 of hi< pr,tcr . ] Verf~ ro. For as that Covenant InGmifts, 8. 9· Ch•pt. was upon Noahs Offering that Sacrifice, and Peace-Offering in it, Chap 8. 28, with which God profdfed Himfelffo well pleafed, as 'ris (aid, he fmr/Jed a (wtet.[rJvour, Verf; 2i. So fi~nifying Himfelf •t Peace, and Attoned wrth NoaS and his Sons; And pro-, rnous unto the New World , they were to l:ie the Refiorers ot, (.for that wa~ the feafon God took ro exprefs this Covenant in: ) Now this Sacrifice was iri the figure (as the former Salv•tion in the Ark had been Cas you heard out of Petrr) • figure, f!ic.) of a greater Sacrifice thon this ofNoah's, even ofChrifis: With which, and for which, and in the Intuition of which God Efiablifheth this Covenant, which he tcrmeth the Covrnallt of Hu Prate: Both beciufe He paci~, fiedbyChnilsSacrifice, w ho uot~rPtact, i Cnl.2o,2r. Asallo becaufehe promifeth Peace ; His Peace iothofe the Elecr ot Mankin.d tocomeouiof floahs Sons i..oyns: And that Chrifis Sacrifice 1':"a' lig~r~d.,out by that ofNoahs; the 1\poftle hath dtfcourfed,; . Whilfi m fpe~kmg o! Cfmfls, h,e ufeth the veryr word.swhe~ewtth Gods acceptance ~f Noah s ts cxpreffed by Epht{ )• 2, ATJ,d 'l;Jalk m ,Love,, a,s,Chr~IJ tdjobath Jov,tt{IIS, ·':!'d 7a_:hgzv_e~1 himfijffor ~s1 an, O!ftrmg and d Sacrifice to Godfor /Jjwut JmrUrngfavour : (:Wlitch fatt<;~. are