Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of ElefJion. ~are the very words in Gmejis.) And bdidcs, it 1s cercain, that unlefs. BooK I. God had fmdt lo far off aforehand this Sacnfice ol CJJrifls that was to ~come; The !inoak of Beal\s Sacrificed, had had bur an unfavoury Senrin Gods noflrils , as well as Mans : But the (mell and b vour thereof ( though fo long afore) perfumed this of NMh, A11d went t:p J;Ji oI he Nvjlnts ofJehovnh. But not only Chrifls Sacrifice is thus in thefe fpeeches pointed at by the Apo– file,as fignified in Nvahs; (And~Covenant was then,and at all times ufed to be ratified by a Sacrifice, l'jal. so. 5. Hrb. 9· 18. 2 0. and fo on•:) But fur. thermore as touching our Covenant ofGrace,it is evident, that when God him– felf did moft Solemnly proclaim, and fet forth that Covenant as to come in the days of the New Teflament; That he hath likewife recoude unto like words and paffages, taken out, and borrowed from that latter Covenant of Noah, thereby to exprefs that New Covenant of Grace by, and confirm the llab1lity ofit to us: ( Wh1ch 1s a confidenuon offome moment to our Subject afore us :) There are Three Chapters in Jerrmiah following one another, wherein this Covenant of Grace is fet by, and profeffedly handled, by way ofProphecy fo as no where elfe the like in the Old Tefla mcnt, r Chap, ~ r. Vrrf. H• 34: But thi& i& thr Covcmmt that I will make w ith th' horifr o[ lfrael : Thus !peak' ing with difference from the old Covenant then more in view, and 'tis his new Gofpe! Covenant, the fame with.Hrb. &. the Apollle citetb ; As that, to writr the L aw i11 thetr heartJ, &c. as you may read in thofe Verfes. Now to confirm to them this Covenant, he adds in that place Vrrj. 35· Thm faith th' Lord, whichgiveth thr Sun for a tight by day, mJd the ordl1hi1Jcts of th' V'f[oon, and of the Stars for t1 tight by night, which drvideth thr Sra, whrtJ the w av's thereofr0t1r ; The L ordofHojls u hu name: Where what our Tr3nilation reads, which divid<th tht Sea, &c, Our E11glijb Annotation out of the Htbrrw renders, w hiCh fi,!Ju h or makrth qtti fl the Sea, or fct– ltth thr Sra w ben the W tlVrs thereof roar: ( That is ( as they) do keep the Sea within compafs, and make it refl within its bounds, The tendency of this to my prcfcnt purj>ofe, you will perceive, when I have added what in the other Chapters we find to follow : Then again in the 32. Chapte!., God re– hearfeth more pieces that belong to the fame Covenant ot Grace, V" f. ~8 >39, 40. A nd thryjbal16emypeopte, andi w•Ubr thtrrGod, andi wiUgi'Vethrm onr !uart, mJd or.tway , thatthey marfrarmefor ever, for thegoodoflhrm, t111d ofthrir Chitdrm ajttr them: And I wi/J makr an evrrtajh ng Covmant with thrm, that I wrU 1wt turn away from /·hem to dothemgood, but l wiU put m~ frar i11 thrir hrarts, th,rt they fha/J 11ot departfrommr, T hough pro– mifed to begun upon his Elect people, that were to return fromBabrt to their own Land, a<the refi of that Chapter lhews : For the Covenant of Grace had • fec,et dlicacy to the Elect, in the Old Teflameot, as well as in the New. Then Thirdly, In the 33•Chapter, God reeeiverh other particulars-, belong– ing tO the fame Covenant; and that as they were more evidently to be per· formed m th.e days of the New Tdl:ament; For to thofe days do the words of the I)lh. Vrrj: refer, ( which comesin amongfi the midfl ofthofe Promifes in that C hapter :) J,. thofe days, and atthat timr w iU 1 cau[r thr 6ranch of rightroufiujs to /[row up tmto David ; a11d h• /h.o/1 rxrcute j udgment, and ,.,ghtrcr{nrfs i11 thr Land: AndVrrj. t6. I11tbojr days )ha/J Judah beJa– vrd, and Jerufalem)ha/J dwrUJafety, mrd thu 1; the n.1mr w hrrew ithjbr fb,,/J '" ca/Jrd, The Lordo11r Rightroufnrfs: That 1s, when Chnfl who is the Me· diatour ofthat Covenant lhould come in the flelh, in which days the Covenant ofGrace lhould appear nakedly, and openly in its pure Glory ; And the out– ward crull of the Old Covenant with the Jrw1jh Church ( under which this of the New did then run undermofi hidden, as Arteries under the Veins ) lhoulddecay a$grown old, as the Apollle in thefaid Hrb. 8. doth Argue. Now