Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of EleClion, Now God having, thus fo explic,tly fer rorth the SubUannal Matenals or this~ New Covenant in thefe Three Chapters; then for a Clofe to all he had faid Cr,a p. + -~ about them. mere cometh a fpec1al word 10 J ernny, Ver{ iy. A11d tht word~ of'tht L ord came unto Jeremiah,j;!Ji•g, ~c. And it is to verifie rhe fiabilitjr or everlallmg furenef>of thisC ovenant, (as in !JJt. 55. the nex~ Chap1cr q my Text) is celebrated: He doth infe rr, and (as tt were) .c.d l .n lor Wnr:cf~ fcs to attdl, and confirm the f>id jf"bility t :;crcol, divers of thofe Paii"ag"s which we tind in the Covenant made with Noah ( "'h>ch purpofc they f, n ·c rnofl aptly and fuitablv unto: For in making that Covenant wirh N o.Jh God had uttered himfelf in thefe words oc· everlallingne(<, I :111fJ ef!,,bl'(bm·r ( uvt 0 7WIII wttb I het; fo to certilie and nffure the like !!ability of this Covenant of Grace, the Materials.whereof had been in thefe T inee Ct,; pter.< fo largely In; fif\ed on: Now moreover (as his Tunfition, Verf xg. 15) a fp' c,al Wtrt{ muff come, and is added on purpofe, and alone, and over and above the fore mer, to verifie the unaltcrablenefs of it; and that as exemplified b' thok unJ!- terablc things promifed to Noab in his: For what follow, firft in,Verf.i.o l'htif fairhthtLord, •[)"ollcallb>·rrJk frl)' Covmarttof tbe'D.ty midofrhe Ntght i and that theujbvuldnot he 'Duy nnd Ntght in tbetr Seafim; Tliero is One pa!Tage in Noah's) andVrrj: 2 1. the r.ddition fC>Ilows, Thm may aljo my l ovo nant tu 6rokm wuh David. Tbtn mny a!fo my Covmant (that is, my Gofpel Covenant) be brokeH witb David; Unto whom, as we all know, was made tile Promifo of C nrifl; who himfelf was the Sp"ri tual 'D,,vid, the Mediator; and with whom the New Covenant for all theB(cel: was publifl1ed by God, in 'D.I· vid's Name; (which I netd not inlarge upon t:~e proofof to be mean t in this place of _7eumy:) "f·hen again, a fecond paffagc of Nu.1b's is infcned i~ Vn-[:• 25. Thm faithtbe Lord, t/ my Covm"1116e not wllb 'D.t)' tJiid N 1gbt; ,,nd if I have not appoi11tedthe Ordi"'mcrs of Henvm and E.1rtb. Ana it :ol~- Iows, l'erf 26. Thw wifJ I ea{/ aw"y tbe Seed of Jacob, ""d of Oavia my Servunt. As God produceth the Materials promiled and fpwfied in No..1b'; Co- ·venant ; fo he exprcily uuei's them under the word CovenaNt ; yea ~ and callS that witb day and 111gbt hi< Covmnnt : [My Cuv'tn mt] 1 ;(•,ce .nt ntioned,,Ver[. 20. and 25. thereby manifefily calling us ro look back to N oah's Covetiiinc; made forday and night; as in the making of which he had an eye to ills iiko ratification, and firm e!lablifhment of his Covenant of Grace; and as hiddcnIy intended by him then, when he uttered this of No,di's. And now Ictus but review tbofe Palfagcs in Gmr(is, and in _7ernni,,h, iincf com~are them togerher: Firlt, t~10fe in _7ermt,,h, Vtr(. 2~. If 10Q c . .i" br(.,k. rny Covm,ml wllh the 'D,ry, n11dmy Co'Vmrtnt with the N1ght, ~c. where d" we find mention of a Covenant th't God made wirh the Oty, and wirl1 ilio Night, which God fhould term hu Covma11t with them, or about them'! (r.ot a Cov,enant one with another'! And obfcrve the Language in both, in Ge:t. 8. 12,. 'Day and Ntght /bnfJ 1101 cenfe, faith God there, upon his Sacritrce; which, are m the fenfe ol them the very words ufcd in ]rremi<~b l J· zo._If ) 'OU cm• brrak my Covn~<mt •f thr 'Day, and my Cownnnt of th~ Ntgbi i fHAT: THERE SHOUL'D NOT BE VAT AN'D N IGHT IN THEIR S HA SON : This is afl one as io have faid, I b.tvc m.,de a Co~· vrnant that tbty jb,1fJ 1wt craft : And eve.n fo~e find in Gmejis , and where elfe ttts to be tound under the Name of a Covenant : An(! ,(you con break that my Covenant, We, then m·ay o"lfo"my Covenant of Grace wirh V .17Jid be br.oken: Agaui; In 7ertmiah, the 25th Vrrj: hejoyns. to his Covenan·t "ith Day and ,Nrght, (ai his too) an ab lie fetkd appointment of ihe o ·rdi"nailccs' o( Heaven and Ea.rth i Tf I h"ve ?JOI nppointtd tbr Ordm'anas of Hr<~veil mJi:/ Etrtb: [App~1ntod1 that is, fetled iii • _certain, _conflant, and ~eipetual, courfe_;_ WJthwh\eh ft:nfe the fore. wed words, Chap. 'l '· l~: ;6". do agree;. a_nd wtthal explam th~m: Thm (•,ttb the .Lord th,,tgiveth tj;e ,ron for ~tlzgM" 6~ 'Df!Y,_and thr Ordt>;a"r~s of t/Je Moon; nnd of the SltJrs ,'for 'i Ltg'ht i:J. Nt,gbt, Verf. ll"· IfJhr(e Ordt7ia•cu dtp.m from ine,(mth tbr Lord, T:'"nf. l6• ""nd we allfee that thek~ave nc;t fail'd, nor depmed ; or (a·, .g<,~·s _W.ord "~~ ceafrd from, orl;>efore_lnm." Bdt yell w1ll fay, Thefela(f menuooed ln' 1rrr– miah; arc tbe O"rdi'tianc'es' or A~aven'only ·' ana tliey a'r~ rt'oc' mcri'riorted· in1 w &~