Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of EleCtion. ~Gnujis. And again, Demand what are thofc 011 Etlrth? I anfwer; Thefo BooK I. two, or both, comeall to oneinthe real intention of them : For the Ordt– ~ nances for Revolu;tons and Courfes of the Heavens, Sun, Moon, and Stars being the Caufes of the Ordinances and Viciili•udes of Seafoos on the Eanb' as the effects of thern; wnich are in·lced tite Ordinances of t,:e Earth: And of thefc weread, Gm, r. 14, ,g, AndGodfud, Lettherde Lights in the Ftrm~rnmtof the Heavn;, to dzvide the 'D<l) from I ht Nzght; and let them /;e for .Si gm, and for SecJfous, andfor 'Days, rmd Tears: IJI(d to rule over the 'Day, and owr the A"tght ; a"d to divide the Lzght from the 'D,lYklujl. Hence t hen, fce ing botl1thefc Ordinances do coalefce in one; and the fam~ !flues; for tbofe in t ile Heavens, are ordained for thofe on Earrh; and that alfo you find thefc Ordinances of th~ Eart h in Gm 2. 22, Whtl{lthe Earth re. m.muth, Seed-time tmd Harvef/; and cold and heal; a~Jd Summer mtd Wiu– ter; and 'Day m;d Ntght jha/1 not ceafe: Hence therefore, all t hat Jemny fnys of the Ordinances in the H<'avens, of Sun, Moon, and Stars, are in dfeCl: comprehended in Gm. 8. 22. as if there they had been named. And although t he Settlement of both thefe Ordinances began at ihe Creation, (as in Gnu.) yet God having ct~rfed tht Ground for man's (.tke, upon .Adam's Fall, whch God tn 21th Verjt afore of that Gen. 8. profdfedly doth make a Rccogmtion of to this incent, to !hew that he now began wtth Noah upon a New Cove– nant; and that elfe t here had been an end and dilfolution ol both forts ofOrdi– nances, whether on Earth or Heaven: But that God upon a New account and {core, even the Intuition of Chrifi'o Sacrifice, typed forth in that of Noah's, did anew fay in his Heart, and declared alfo to Noah, I wi/J 11ot agam c11rjt the Earthfor man's fake, Verfe 21. But whiUi the Earth remains,Sud-ttmt and Harvejl; rmd cold 11nd Heat, r111d SiJmmer aud Wiflter; and 'Day and Night fha/J 11ot ceafe. So then it is not the N atural Covenant by the firlt Creation, if appointments of th<fe then might be called his Covenanr; for God declares that to h1ve been void by his Curfc for Sin: And therefore the appointment for the continuance of thcfe Ordinances. Now lince Noah's time renewed by a Covenant of Mercy, its making and inllituion, whereby the Grand Charter of thefe was de 11ovo, begun to be verified and confirm– ed. And now will you take notice of that other Piece of God's Covenant 1\'ith Noah about the Waters, their not returning any more to cover the Earth; which you find inGen. 9· which is exprelly all edged by God i>1 termi11is,in my Text in the Prophet lfaiah ; and to the fame effect in .'lrremiah; and in both fiill afcertaining the firmnefs of the Covenant of Grnce. Now in .ferrmtah the words run, Thm faith the Lord thr1t flzlleth the Strl when the Waves thereof roar: And he'fays it to the end, to confirm his Covenant of Grace. And then 'tis faid, He j/tUrth thtm; when the Waves roge mofr, roaring to recover their loft Prey, and threaten another Deluge; but that God refrrain– cth them from overflowing the Earth •gain : For in order to thetr not over– flowing the Earth again, it is there fpoken clfwhere, His flilltng them, and fettin$ bounds to them, is noticed to be with that intent, Pfal. 104. g. 1hot< haj/ jet'' bou11dthat they may not pafl over, th,lt they turn not again to co– ver tht Earth. And .frrem. ;. 22. Who bath placed the Sa11d for the bound of the Sea 6y a perpetual 'Decree, that it cmmot pa/f it: .And though tht Waves thtrtof tofl themfdves, yet can thty 11ot prrvail; tbough thry roa,., yet ca11 thry 11ot pafl ovtr if. And Pjfll. 6;. 7· Who j/illeth tbt noife of the Suu, the 11oi(e of their Waves, and the tumult of the Peop!t. Now bring this to Gme(is; Is not this cxprefs in Noah's Cove– nant, Gm, 9· 1r, I). And I wi/J efla61ijh my Covenant with yo11; 1!ti– ther fha/1 a/J Flejb 6t cut off any mort 6y the Waters of" Flood; neithrr Jbalt there /;e any mort a Flood to deflroy the Earth : .And l will renlfm6er my Covenaut which i. bttwetn meand~~~, dltd tvtry Jiving Crtature •f all. Flrfb: And the Waters /hall no mort become a Flood, to deflroy all Flefb, And fo now you have God's Promife and Covenant for, and with both E~rth, Heaven, and Sea, and the Waters thereof, alledged by God as Witnetfcs long ago; fore-laid and ordained; !hall I fay fuborned; yea, and you fee God gageth