Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of EM/ion. to make good this Covenant ofGrace: And that when ever we read this Cove. ~ Q?.nt , he would have ':'ur ~aith look back to rhis in Gnu fir, w~ich we fee Chap. 4·, hath not to this day faded tn performance_; thereby to confirm us m the behef ~ of this Gofpel Covenant· made, and dehvered under 'Datnd's name for the whole Elet!ion. We all ;cknowledgc 'David's Covenant to have been an Example of at leaft figurative , of the Covenant of Grace, The reft of the Pa!fages in that Covenant of Noah , l fhall have occafion to JlltCCt with in the Applicatio_n of feveral other particular parallels, that arc found between Noah' s Covenants, and this of the Covenant of Grace: If thefe allcdged, and thus compared, be not futficient for the proofin the GC~ neral. SECTION II. ·The .Application made by God himfelf of Noah;s Cove-" nantl , to Exemplify and Confirm bit Co– venant ofGrace; As it is in i S A i. i..IV. 9· For this is ~ the Waters of Noah unto me: For ~. I have Sworii that the Waters of Noahjball no more go over the Earth; [o have I Sworn that I would not be wrath with thee;nor rebukg thee. HAving hitherto been a producing other Scriptures to prove that both No– ab's covena_nt to his own Pcrfon is an example, and pattern of the like Grace to the Eleet; and likcwife, that thofc his two Covenants, afore and after the Flood, werefigurative ofthe fame Covenant of Grace to the Church of the New Teftameilt; I return now anew with the more confidence to fur- . ther Expofition of this Text, Whith I cholc for ihe ground of this Subjet!: As in which I found God himfelfallcdging it, and applying it to the forefaid intents , and pu~p~fes : And this is the firft Application was made of it by the Prophet ljatah; and the other out ofJeremy &c. whach ! have run over, followed after this Oflfaiah.And this io I{ai61h is fo fignal, as God doth plainly point to it; Thu uanhe W61ters of Noah to me. And that the thing aimed at here is the Covenant of Grace , the coherence of the words, with what went afore, and follows after, dorh in the general 1hew. · · lh the wordsjuft afore the 7th and and 8th Verfos, the Promifes to the Church of the Gentiles, under the . New Teftament are· For a fmall Mo" mmt havelfor(aien thee; but withgreat Mercies will }gather thee: J,.a ,lttt!ewrat6I hidmy Face from thee, for a Mommt; but with everlajling !ttn~neft WJ!t I have Mercj on thee, faith the Lord thy Redeemer: Aftet whach rmmediately fuoceed tile words of this 9th Vtrfr, Now thefe Pi'omifes 0 inVnj. 7· and 8. are a Prophecy of what Mercy and Grate he would fhew, In faving thofe his Elet! from firft; to !aft: And thefe words that follow my Text come rn as a Confirmation and Illuftration theteof, by alledgin'g a moft lively Figure and cortefpondimt Type, that had long before ·palfed between God and N•ah ; in a way of Cov'enant , as on GOds part, declared by God H 1. coo