Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

52 Of Eletlion; ~-------===~~~~ ~towards hiiD; which, upon this occafion of his Prophefyin g , this New Co. BooK I.. vcnanttohis Church, thefons of No~h, G~d calling that of NDah to his ~ frefh remembrance breaks out thereupon; Thu u '114 tht watti-s ofNoah tom.- As if he fuould fay, this is that very fliing which I ime·nded to prefigure and fore-fignifie , then when~ fat _at .~he fldd~ (as Pfal~n _2cj. 11,) in ana by ;hofe palfages with Noah, whtch _were a_t; .a~d abo~t htsF~bod; (which God calls the Wattri of Noah: )'[ Thts,] even thu; whtch I even now have fpoken of. my Grtce and Mercy to my Church, who are his Sons, ancl Pofterity in th; wora~ imtncdi~tely ~fo!e :. Ev:en thu;~~~~ t~e Mind and MY.fier~ of ~~~fc my Pronufes , whtch I maile then to htm, upon bceafioll ot ; ana about tfiofe waters: Which isjuft fuch a like fpeech, as I fuall after in the particular Ex· plication fuew; as that of. Chrifi to the Jews; where, pointing to the Type of himfelf, he fays , I giveyou tbe Jig!' of Jonas :. And .this Noah's Waters were[to me;}(which latter word_hath alfo a greatEmphafis iii it, as totliis im· port in Hand) T~ey we~e fuch!~any account , and ordination in mine own fecret intent , whtch I had Wtt!ltn my f~lf, when luttered them : And this, I therefore now upon this occafion , declare to have been the Miftery ofthem according to this matter: That fo you may have your Faith confirmed in thi; 6:oveilant of Gtace the mote, in that it was in my Heart fo lorig afore; 4ii11 in my Intentions, then for!-fignified, by what I fpake and aded toward .No. ab. · . Then in the words after, h~ c;loth in expte~s Tcarms call thofe Promifes of Verf. 7, 8. Thr Covenant of my Peliu; or my Goverant of Ptacr, ;s others: Becaufe thofe Promifes contain ( as I faid ) in them , the principal Subftance of the Covenant of Grace and Peace ; And by expreffing it thus under the Title and Notion of his Covenant, he gives us to underftand what he meant by Noah's Waters; and fends us to t.h~ Story of the things that patfed then about it, to know the meaning of his faying; This is tht Waters ofNo– ab, About which we fhall find, that be had eftablill!ed Two Covenants with Noah, both before and after them Waters: Whereof, the firft prefigured fome eminent pieces of the Covenant of O~ace : The other , lignified other Particulars thereof;And in a fpecial manner the ftability of it : And therefore it was they were Two in a Figure, becaufe no one Figure is fufficient to fig. nifie the whole : And therefore God revealed it at thofe fundry times , by paru ; But yet fo, as In their Tendency, both ferved to be Figures of that Covenant: For fo the Covenant of Grace is, which is but one; and is there– fore ftiled in the fingular, The Covenant of his Peace, but typified fdrth by thofe two of Noah's, which iri that refped do coalefce in one. Now, 2ly,There be two Eminent things contained in thofe Promifes,Vrrf. 7,8. Firft, That whereas God had for fome time ( whic.ll in comparifori of E– ternity he calls a Moment, though it had l:ieena fpaceof two thciufsnd yem;) (orfakon the Gentiles; as ifhe had rejeded them from ever being aChurch to him; that yet he had iA his eternal purpofes defigned a gathtrmg of them, ( obferve that word, Verf. 7·) a taking of them into his Bed, as an Hu1band his Spoufe: (For he carries it under the Metaphor of an HusbaRd , taking a. gain his Wife unto him ; Verf. 5. Thy Malafis thy Husband;) fo that his for· faking, and rejeding of them fo long, had beenbutt~ magnifie , and grea· ten his own mercies towards them in t~e end, the more: And this firft Piece of his Prophetick Covenant togarher'them, you have inVrrf. 7• For a final/ Mome11t havt I forfakm thee, 6ut with grtat Merciu wj/J I gathtr thu : Wherein obferve alfo , how he puts the Attribute of [ great] Mercies, upon this their gathering: And Great in two refped's tlierein. x. In relation to what they ll!ould b&, fo long afore this Grace breaks forth upon them, which ) ou exadly find fet out, even then, when accompliihed; (as here 'tis promifed and prophefied of) Ephrf .2. Chap. Where the Apollle Imprelfeth this very Confideration upon them; Vtr(. 11. Whertfort rtmtin6tr( fays he) thatye in ttmts J>afl, Gmtilrs in the FlrjbVerf. 12. That ol that time ye were without Chrift; /Jting Alitns from tht Com'fnoivwrdlth of Jfra·