Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of EleCI'ion, •frael rmd Strangersfrom the Covenants of Promi(e; q,,viltJ no hope, an,d w >witho'ut God in the Wortd: (And in (peaking this to the Ephljimis.He fpeaks Chap. 4• the fame to all the refi of the converted Gentilu; Romans, Colloffians, Phi. ~ lippi:ms, ~c.) And he rell!embers them of this, to, that end they might thereby acknowledge, th~t mlinite great lov~ and ~tches of Mercy, in&. letting them from everlafimg : (and out of that Electmg Love , and Grac~, fr'e\:lyfirfifetupon the~; it wa~, that he ~a~ now called, .a~d gathered them : ) The Conliderauon of thtt he had promtfed, an·d tore.latd mto rhe ap– pre'hehfions of them; inChdp. t. Verf. 4· which he t!fives home in the fame; C)idp. 2. Ver{. 4· But God, who# ,rich iit Mercy, for his'great Love wherefhith he lovedm : His [Great] Love, and Mercy: (That is his word ; and 'ri; Gads own word in Ifai, You fee, upon the very fame Coofideratido.)' . f. Obferve, It iS the Grace and Mercy of his lirfi gathering and converting i:}iem, t11at God in !faiah, puts this gre.!tnefs ofMercy upon: And the fame doth the ApoiUe there, in Ephef 2, 5· Evm when we were dead in,{ins, halhifuicknediM togeth'tr withChrif/; ( oy Grace ye art faved:) f2.!9ckiting her~ in.theApo!ll~$ 'ang~-~ge, isgathtrint of ~hem , iJ:l Gods here. It was thetr lirfi gathermg then , and fo on, of thetr Pofiertty, that God fpeaks df in that, 7th Verj. itJ Ifa'i!zh, The Second eminent lhirig in Gods Prophetick Ptomife in Jfaia!J to his Gen· rile Church, is in the oth~r following Tl er f. 8. In a little wrath I hid my fac~ from tht~ for a Moinnit; 6tlt with ev(rlaj/i11g kit~llt;e{s will I have Mercy ,;,) the; ,faith/he Lordthy RMetmer.lnwhich the eminent thing to be fuper– :ldded t,o tlie fotm~r, i~ The Ewrlaflingneji of the Kindnefs: Alter their be· ing ga~he~ed : Ana ?therivlfe Hie ?ther wori!s !n both Verfe s come unto one, The meiui1~g of wluch ts , that he would contmue unto the Perfons of them • after he naJ gathered and converted them , an uncHangeable kindnefs (with everliJ(/ing kiniltJt{s wilt I have Mercy on thie: ) to Lafi; and that is, which lhall not only n!Jdail to follow them, unto everla!ling, and never be taken away, orreirlove4; but fu~ther, lhould be fo rich a Treafury, as lhould !aft the fpendirig upon them in Age~ to come; even to Eternity (as in Ephr[. 2. 7· That in tht figts to come he mrghtjhewthe exceed:ng riicheJ of his Grac~, in kin4defs towards lid, 1/j~ough Chrifl 'Jifm: And never be fpent, Now Anfweribly, ihere are two more eminent di!linct parts or Pieces in Gods Applicati?n of N_oah'sCoyenants , .:-vhich in their principal (cope , do correfpond (as mth~F1gure) wtth th~ emment matters of thofe two alorefaid promifdof Gods: The one morefpecially refpecting the one; the other, the other of tilem: And (ifyou obferve withall) there are two rational Particles 6f [for] which (according to what our Tranfiation hath rendre.d) are difiinctly placed, an~f~taf~re ~ach. . . -~· x. [For J'lba tht walers of Noah to me: There's the lirfi [For: J And that fervcs more Hpecially as the R.eafon, or Illufiration , 6f the matter of that lirit Promife, in Vtrf. 7· And likewife in further correfpondency to that 7thVer[.l take it,thofe words have a more fpecial reference unto the lirfi Cove– nant MNo.>h's, made afore his entring into the Ark; and whilfi in the Ark, to fave him in, and from the Waters or Flood: For that bears a refem– blaoce with Gods Promife to gather: of which by andby. , The fecond [For J afore the fecond Sentencence that follows it ; For I hav~ (wornthdttheW!Jirrsjbouldno m'o~e go over the Earth; [o have IfwortJ I will not 6e wroth with thte, ~c. This Patfage doth evidently, and without pollibility of Contradldion, refer to that fecond Covenant made with Noah, alter he was comefonh of the Ark, and had efcaped the Waters: And unro that alone dotI). that Paffage refer ; as by ccmparing Gen. 8. 21. and Gen9,, r. appears: Andth!Lord fmetled" fwut jiJVour,and the Lordj'aidin hi4 heart, I wilt no~,ago1r'n cdrfe tht Gro<i~dany moreforman;sfake; for the imaginati. on of man s heart u rvtlfrom hu youth: NtJthe~<., WJ/1 I again[mite any mor~ tvery livi11g thing M I havt done: And I will ;p,~b/ifh my Covrnani with rou; ntithd,/halt all Fle{h6t cut off any more b) tfu'W(Jters of a Flood; nti· ther }halt thlrl anr irtott 6i a Floodtii dtf/,.Qj th~ Eart'#; · And this· latter Paf.