Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

OfEie8ion. ~~ Pallage bath a more pe~uliar and proper refl'ed: unto the Matter of the Pro– ~ mife in the 8th Vt~ft; namely, Tht evtrlajlmg continutJ11ce if that kindntjt of G~ds : The unchangeable fixednefs 9f qis t\1ercy,not to be remoV'ed, or ta– ken off from that Gentile Church; or his Elcd: therein, after they are~gather– ed. And for the confirmation and illu!lration of this Everla!l.ingnefs, e§c. it is that he refers unto that latter Covenant of Noah's; whereof he fpeaks thus; For tU I havt [worn that th~ Wattrs of Noah jhouM no mort go ovtr tht Earth; (o have lf<JJortJthat I would not 6e wroth with thu, twr rt611kt thu. In which words he gives the greatefi evideace and demonllration of that fixednefs of his Mercy that could be; in that the matte'r of his Oath fworn unto is, that from out of that Mercy, and the refolved everlallingnefs of it, he undertakes to have fo watchful a care to prevent what ever it be might, and would otherwife provoke him unto everlafting wrath again!l. them: And that mu!l. be fuppofed to be fuch finniogs, as by the Rules of his, Word lhould put them into a !late ofWrath again: Forin that he fays, 1wlllnot6t wroth w1th thtt, f!Sc. there muft be fuppofed, yea and intended a preventing the coufe of fuch a wrath, in the Perfons he fwears for: For if they in fuch a manner fin, · as unregenerate men do, which the Apoftle terms doing fin in a continued courfe with full confent of will; then according to the Rules of his Word, an eternal wrath mull fall upon them, and they become childrtn of wr.#h again after gathering: 'lJead in/ins and trefPaJ!ts, as afore. Again this effeCl: and fruit of his everlafting kindnefs in the rotb Verft, anfwers t~ the Fig~re of God's Oath to Noah, to fee to it; and take order by his Omni– potency to Hill the rage of the Waters, that they oveifio~ the Earth no more m wrath. And he here fays he bath fworn he well do the ltke to the Hearts of his Eled: 1 and thereby profelfeth himfelf to be as able to iake order, and rule mens Hearts and Lulls, as hedoth the Waters: And both are alike joyned 'Pj'at. 6). 7· Who j/tlleth th"t noifo of the Se tU, tht noifo of their Waves, anJ the tumult of tht 'People. Tumults are from the raging of meas Lufts, that war i11 their Members, .7amts 4· r, ~. And this everla!ling kindnefs,and the firmnefs and fixednefs of it; and the unchangeableoefs, unalterablenefs of the Covenant that proceedrth from it, He further amplifies and inlargcth upon Verf. 11. upon occali(}n of this Oath; For the Mountains /hall dtpart, and the Htlls fha116t removed; /;ut my k.itulne{s }hall not dtpart from thrr; 1Ui· ther /ball the CovmaTJt of my 'Ptace /Jt rtmoved, faith the Lord th11t hath mercy on thee. . · If any be not fatisfied in this order and difpofement of thefe two fe~eral Sentences in Verf 9· both in thefe two References to the 7th and 8th Vtrfn refped:ively; and then alfo concerning that other u.nro Noah's two Covenants refped:ively, under fo dillind and different an Allufion peculia~ to each; I fhall further add this account touching either of them. '· As to the firll Sentence, This is tbe Waters, f!$(. its fpecial reference to Noah's firll Covenant, about his Salvation in the Waters: There is this R«<.a· fon ro induce me, which arifeth from putting thefe few Confiderations tog~ thcr. r. A frefh remembrance is had, and uttered by God, of N011h's Covenant, in this 9th Ver{t, to confirm his Covenant of Grace; that appears by what hath been faid. ~. That in the purfuit of this All<gory from the mention made of Noah's Piitt;, Dr:u Waters,Verf. 9· we meet with a moll paflionate Exclamation proceeding from ;,~;:,;·~-;: Goo's deepeft Affed:ion,uttere9 in Vtrj.r r.O thou a.f/ltfftd,andto./Jtdwzthum1,.,d, '""" pt{I:But with and under fo man,fellanAIIufion unto the ltke compaflionate bow– M•~dum t"~- ds towards Na,zb, and his doleful Condition) whilfl: he was a faving him in the '.~~:J,'~'d"'' Waters, ~nd in the Ark;as no man that will look totnnd again upon the A(pec!t Apptll" wit· which the words, Vrr}t 9.and of thefe l'tr(t cafl: one upon rhe other, can P•m "~;,;, be able rationally to deny. Now thofe Affed:ions towards Noah, as confider– :;:'7;;;,:':" ed in that Condition, and whilft in tllat Condition, were as mznife!lly llirred up ,;.,b~ ;.n,.- in God's heart, upon the remembrance of that fir(/ Covmant made with No· !"~ 'i/' 17!· ab when he was to enter into the Ark; and which in the letter of it concern·· .~;b;~ '"'In ed'God's fav ing him in the Waters: Which pun<lually·agrees with what we · read