Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of Eleflion. 55 gcth and pawneth one Covenant to pc!rtorm another; the. Covcuanr of ll!o.2h ~ read in the Story of Noah•s Waters m Genfjis; where utter the ccn rimwl of Chap. 4· fo many days Tempe!ls, by Flood-gates of Waters from He..-en, and prr. ~ va~fing of Waters from beneath, related Ch,Jp. 7· tt IS thereupon faid 0J<>p. 8. 1, That God rernembredNoah, a11d tho{r '<t)Jth him, C!lc. lt was a rmu m- /;rauce (That ) of tendcref\ Compallicns ; ( as y.;e !wow tbu word R m:em6r,mce ui"eth to eonnotate and Import.) And m Allufion unto this you have his Pailions and Compallions break forth towards his Church , and uttered with a mof\ patiietick outcry; 0 thotJ toj/(d, C!$c. proceeding from the remtm• brance of his Covenant towards his Elect, (which had,been the main Subj.C: of the forepart of the Chapter: ) i\nd you know how frequ ently in Scriptures, it is fpoken, God did this or that, Remembering hJS holy Covelltmt. And fo 'twas here. Hence,Thirdly, There being firfi a memoir , a mention, or remembrance of Noah's waters; as notif) in~ (by a Meton imy ) God's Covenant with No– ab about his waters, VtrJ 9·l whereby to fet out this his C/,venant to his Church,) and then afterwards by occalion thereof, aod in Coherence there•. with, thefe iimparhifing ~xpre!lions break out in Ver{ I'· Certainly rheh that Covenant wirb Noah , the remembrance ofwhich was it thar, is faid to have caufed that commiferation in God towards him, at that time, that mufl be found fame where in the gthVerf. at the bottom of thofe words ; ( if we wilL dive unto the bottom of the fcopeof the mention of them: ) Now that Cove. nant was (of his two) the firfl of them, touching Gods faving him in-rhc wa– ters ; as by the fiory is undeniable-: And therefore that Covenant mufi ncce(: farlly have been alluded unto: For otherwife the correfpondency iu the c\llu– fion between the Two pares of it, had fallen quite befides, and had been dii: proportioned: For Noah's fecond Covenant wa~ ta lecure him againfi the wa– ters any more to return upon l!irn, and his l'of\erity. And that cannor in any reafon be fuppofed that fuch this pallionatc Exclamation, 0 thou toj{(d f!!c. lhould be referred unto; for it looks upon N oah as viewed in the height of thofe Waters, and Tempef\s, and fuppofeth him in the midfl of thofe Warer.s; So >S between Noah's firfi Covenant, and fuch an Excl•mation as that whic~ was occafioned by it, .there is a full congruity and proper coherence. The– firfipart,givingjufl occafion for the latter:Thefe fuit,>~ Crufe and Eff, Cl:: But not fo at all dotn Noah's Second Covenant and this Condolement match , and correfponCI: But that alone coniidered , gives not an occafion for it "; and can– not comprehend in it the whole fcope of N Mh's waters; whicil yet generally Interpreters would have it-do. . . . So then here loeirjg_thefe two Sentences or Speeches in . the gth Vrr{r, For thi; i< the Waters of Noah to me; (rhe firfi :) For as I havt fwom, the Waters· of Noah /ha/1110 morego OVtr tht E,arth; ( ~hich i$ the fccqnd;) And there being Two Covenants tl)ade with Noah about his Waters,( as they are called:), dit10ring in. this, That the firil: w•s with promi(e to fa ve him in the Waters which were inevitably decreed to come upon t he World for their defirud:ion :· The other only to fecure him, that they lhould nnt any more return to drown, him and the Earrh; It feems moO: probable ( if there wtre no more reafon on. our fide) That thefirfiof thofe Speeches fl10uld cafi its ey e of AJ:uflon and Afped: upon the firfi of thofe Covenants, ?S it's pr.etended Correfpondenr ;' ~nd the fecond Sentence l upon the fecond Covenant: The Iatter i>apparent ~q the. words; and was lt that drew Interpreters Eyes wholly thereupon to attend that, and overlook the /irf\: . . .. , But that foempoarical an indigitation, or pointing fo as with th.e finger in. the firfi i 'fh" i& thr wattrs of Noah to mt ;· wh ich are in the firfi uttered,· feem tp me to point rather to tho(e which we read dt f aCio, did ccme upon th~ Earrh, and which Noah efcaped: Then to (peak of another Flood, which dtd not .come,upQn him.( and which is yet termed the waters of Noaq ip rhe Sentence !ollowing) meaning only tliat not.tht /,kt w tlttrs, to d1of9. t,hi t di.d ~ome upon llloah, jhould a~y mort go over, &c. Yea,- that not anc-.' tJJ~r. fuch .;' .'Y,hfr{,~':in thillirft fent.,n_ce,, , he r.oints,!o rh~ Flood)~ (elf, that did. come ;' From w!itch·the otner not to come, hatli its denamtnation of l;'lo9h'_s. water~;'