Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of Ele8ion. ~·_,~ \ w ,aer.s ; Dut frabt!tiouily, or at a fcconJ denva.n ve lund, cakln .rom the BooK I. waters that had toregone, fuppofeth tit at pofitively fuclt a !JOod iJJd teen: ~And that is it which properly, and originnll) th" II&JDe ot Nc.d;'; Wa. ters , whic!t ,is all one as we ult: to fay Nv.;h's Flood ; . k anwg Fload whichde f,,av, did cJme; and the latter mention ot it, ts out lll. prcmi,c of a Nt'gative; A. preventive Prom1fe; Namely, that Gcd \"\ o~.t1J Got :: g2in ovu. flow the Earth J lecond tim'e, with t.hc like : And fuppo" th "'"danger of the Flood al ready paft, or at leaft Noab f:t ved in tt, h tr not th<n mote pro– per, and!lirel.l, (may wc not think) lor that firll: lpecch, Tht< J!Je w.llers ,&c. To intenJ rather Jlut pofnive Salvation wi1ich Nu,Jh rtu:n was to lJav~, aud had upon th e firft C:o·;enant, nnd whtch mull nccefl'arily be fjri\ fuppofcd Le lhould have, ere t!te latter could be lo much as fpoken off; find whicl1 dte pro– mife ofit necelfarily tmplies, in that word [ 110 mort] go over the Earth; that thisfirll Flcod to hav!' gone over, IS afore: Yea, and rhat Salvation ot N Jahs from th•t Flood, bt:tng that great Salvation of which the Scr.prure !peaks ; Can we think tllat God in making a remembrance of h1s Covenant about his Waters, and fo of his Promife to fave Him fll them, fhould omir, and pals that 0\~er altogtther in filence? Now, and if tt be to be found at all in thi' 9th, Vtr{. it muft be in thefe firfi words, Thi. i< tbr ·waters ofNoJh to mt: As pointing to rhofe then prefent waters that came upon the whole Earth, which Noah was faved out of, by venue ofthat firft Covenant with Him: And there– fore mufl be fuppofed to have been intended. Ifany Object and fay; Yea, but the fecond fentence,and the very rx;>licarion he gives, why, and for what purpofe he had lpoken the firft ; As firll propo– ling the mention ofNoahs waters in general; Tht< u lht W<Jitrs of Noah, bur with a purpofe, and no otherwife but to bring in, and declare this alone; Tl!at as He fwore of thofe Ware", they lhould no more «turn, fo nor his wra:h, f!!c. And fo that this is the foie, and whole intent ofhis mention of them, and to this do the generality of Interprrttrs narrow it : And make both fenten– ces robe in the fcope ofthem, all one, nod ad;equare, and only to f<rvc to i:'x– prefl Gods faitlrulnefs in not cafling offhis People, or in not giving them up to wrath again, a!ier he harh taken them to be lm people. I Anfwtr '· That it often falls out in alledgmg ofa T ype more generally, that but fome cine particubr part, or branch ot what it Typifies. proves tote in!lanced in, wht n ) er t ..ere may be many other particulars ol as great m0· ment, that arc not explicitt!y mentioned: As when Chrifl fa) s to the Pb,z– rz{us,Matt,I2 .J9·4o. as I:is after 1\'0rds lhew,in indignation Ior asking o, h,m a Sign, who lrad given them lo many; To tl fLfy invincibly tlfat he" as their Meffiah; An evtl ,md adulttrousgt11tratum, jfrieth after ajigu, aud1hue jha/J r10jign begiven to it, but thefii.n ofthe 'Prophfl ]ona>: For 44 ]onas WdJ thru d<J~s, mtdthru tughts i11thrWha!es 6e/J.y; .fo fha/1 tbt Son of n;,m6t three driJ! m1d thret nigbts in the Hem·t oftbe E.~rlh, The Ggn of the Pro– phet Jontls; That is, who was an intended frgn by way ofT) pe, ofnu to ccnu: And that in more refpe.;t's than one. Yet our Saviour fccms exprefly to in– fiance put in.that one particul3r:of his beiog thrrt daies mu/tbret r.·ights m the' Whalei 6tf!y; .As \\'hich fignified ( as Chrifl explains it) His 0\\ n 6tmg tn tht Gravt; or tht f/eart •oftheE.;rrhthuedrues, foisithere: Theiike might be in(hnced in the cafe ofmony other T) pes in that of Noahs Salvation in the Ark, to be the 6gyre ofBaptifm, 1 Pe!.J 20,21. Which yet contains as many otl,ler Parallel_s notmentioned. A11jwer 2. It is ~ue that the mention of Noahs Waters here, cloth fervc fit- · ly to ulher in,. leads on unto that one particulerthat follou s: llut) er if any will allow me but that this fpeech, Thu .,tht watrrs of Noah, is ag~neral propofal of them firfi made, as notifying in general Gods Covenaming ll'lth Noah about thofe waters,' whereofth.r one that fuccetds, is a particul" com– prehended in it; [ lhould not much contend, but ro confine the fccpc ofGods Allegation ofit unto that one Branch inftanccd in, and thneupon (o ro exclude altogether its afpeCl:, or any reference to rbe Waters, or Flood ofNoah; That de ,,,ao, came upon the Earth; And in which though No,Jh wasf,ved, yet was tofl with Tempefis,this cannot be allowed. For that in the rcmembran~~-