Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of EleCiion. 57 of Gnds Covenant,made with him,God did commernfwr•.te him in thole Waters, ~ as aT) pe of our great initial Salvarico lrot'n a State ofWrath, .( which thole Chap• .f. that would make the fcope to .concern onl y Gods Oatlt, that t:.e Wa,t<rs ~ fhould return no mMe, do and mull thereby include ir;) TillS I do, and mull: contend for to be included, and inten<led: (Yet with profeflion to fubmir to cogent reafon, chat !hall be made to the contran :) . Having rhi' fun her to be added as a reafon for 10 ; thal Ji lilts part of No.1bs Ftrfl Covenant, and Salva· tion from the Waters be excluded h<re, then is the great T) pe of our main great, and firfl Salvation by Chrdl excluded, to be meapt hcr.e alfo.; W,Hiit yet His purpofe is to illuflrate, and fee out to his Church, his Covenant of Grace Ior the \1 hole ol t heir Salvation; Which in thi• Chapter,) e•, and in the t wo tollow,ng Chapters he inflfls on, by way ofl'romiling, and Prophcf) ing thereof, and inviting men to come under it as offered. See Ch.tpter 5), and s6. If any !hall yet Objed, thatthe feeond [for J fet afore the fa id fpeech, For m I h,.ve {worn, &c. is apparently the reafon wh~ he fa id fir£1; Thif is tbe w rllers of Noah , and therefore it ts to be re!lrained unto that one parri· ruG~ , I Anfwtr, I do as yet rather incl ine t~ think, that there being two oftltefe caufal conjunctions of [ l'or J The one fct before t he fir£1 fpeeeh; For thiS ts the wattrs of N~ah: Another afore the f<cand lpeech; As I h wr Jworu: And although the later For, is otherwife rendred by fome Interpreters; Yet I take the vertion of the Word, as our franilwon, and m,.,fi others have turned it, [ Por] warranted by tloe ftme ufe oft:1e word in t.1e Re6rew . fo flgni; in r Smt. t). I). As Mr. G.JtrJker hath 0Jierved; And fo I undcrjtand .ihe t wo [Fors] as Partitively, to notifie Two dil1ind R.eaf<ms of t wo feveral mat. t~r>, or thtngs about theft· W.rers, i" the (cnf<· belore expiJined; And not that jo) nrly, they fall inroOne, and tloe fame dtingonl v : I rake the latter [For J not rodtm,cc a fuborCinate rca(on of the former F'0r, or Reafon; 13u t each to bediHinel, andc~ordJIJtllt", 30d to !land alone in rheir conntxion with the mar: ter in the former Vcrfes. And t 13( 1 he lir~ lhould be a rcafon fpt crally oothat put of the C ovenant mcot ioned rn the 7th. V(rj. forep;one : 1 he latter, fpe– coallv as t it· r«fon, and confirmation ol tha.t pan of the Cnvenanr in T'erf. 8, And the like diO ind references made by caut:il l;'articks, thm•gr immediately. folio\\ ing oneanother: Yet the fir!l to r•late as a reafon of forne mat.:er fore.c gone, rhat is further off; ond another later to fomewhat that went more im– mediatt!v afore, you meet fo ordinanly "ithall in the Scriptures ; Specially in 'l'rwl•s Oifcourf, s, as I need nor give tnfiances ol rhcm. Thu<tnuc:1for the Account of the lid\ Branch propofed, why t~efe firfl: words; Fur thts is th~ waters of Noah to me; S ould luve, and cfpecially have tefpeCl: to Noahs Frr11 Covena~·r ro fave .him ~~ t11e W•ters: And as for the words that follow, As l h.1ve (wur11 ;. Th•t rh·:y refped his Second Co. "enant, there is n0 Q,tcfiion ; I m·un furrhtr add the fecdnd Branchpropofed; and f<, f [h, JI make this Hea·d cnmpleat, vtz. . . . 'f he fpecial Analogy that .is between N011bs FirU Covepant, and Waters ; And rl.e mJtter of t '•e Pri>mife in the 7th. Vtr{. And for the otlter, rbe cor– rcfpondcncy between the matter of the 8th. Ver( (in whnt it differ; from that in tht 7th. Ver{: j with Noahs Second Cov(nant, namely, the tverlrlf/· i11g11t{s 'nd j/<~6ili1J· ofthe Covenant, to be the \hi11g aimed at in both; This' cloth mme clearly upon .firll light. appear; That there needs no large Dofcourie,' m ore than·on order eo clear the lir!l, . I Tn Ge,eralds tor~rbing both. ,. Noo~hs T ·•o Covenants wc'te both ofthem for his Salvation, from the Wa. ters, but with this d,ffcrence : . The Ftrll was with Promife tofavc him.from thofe pre(ent WJt n rhatdiddrownthercl\ofrhe Earth. The Second, to prefervo: him, and the Farrh for his Ctke, trom any mort fucha flood of Waters~ ~rs cnmiog upon the Earth, and fo to Jecwc him tram aiJ fears "t detlruCliot1 ~hence: Which confldering tile dongtrof to1err fodoing, .?nd fl~ne,rsdefers. ot H, m1gbttrulybe called "S,•Ivalton prevmttpe; And a fecunng to him, l ilin