Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of EleElion. ~ t>.at great S,z/v ztzon pofiizw, which God had vouchfafcd Him in and from-;;; lio o K I. W Jtt rs paf\: And that fecont! Promile tor t he luture, m•de tha t hrf\ Sai>ari– \../'Y'-' on in the Waters to be Salvation indeed, and wtthout " hich it hod only been but a refervrlttuu ol H1m dnd His unto a fr:cond D dtruCbun !rom another Flood: Thus}"" fee 111 Nu 1hs Cafe dlat t11efe two are dtlhnd, and )Cl both concur to make.tin t h1s S.dva i:1n p<:r,etl', <lnd comp!1ar. Anfwerabl y unw 'be T, pe ot<hde 111 ~<ner.Ii, tile like difference may be di 'cernfd . and mull be ack rHJV\ lec.!gtd lO Le in the matter~ c1r po1nt oiour Ea ternal Salvori·m, ro perfttlt r : And tu both of wl.ich are dif\mt'.tly prov1ded in thJtont: Covenant Ot his Grace, whereofthofc h.s TwoCovrnan:s wen:im· perfeCt lh adJow5, G '''"·I. F rn, Our bt ing called out ot this ev il World, or the reil ofM •nlw d, and b) faith put mto Chrif\, and thereLy into a flare cJSdvarion, or tht: t;race wherein \\ 1 efiand: Th~s. Js every whuein Scri– p ture termed ) a!vat on, as in Epbef 2. Byf,uth;·eare Javtd, even upon their tidl !\el,eving; And h,. g'act )'t '"e F•ved: Ye are at prefenr, botII trom the wra•h rh t is inev•tabl) coming upon all the World o. U Pg0dly; And b1 ha– ving t ,c lniltriranct of Eternal Salvation (as to th( ju~, or righr. or Title to it ) fetled. and ef\al>lilhed upnn you: But t here being an interllition, or fpace between thi' ofthe r~ght, and entring into t he lull enjoyment, and poflelli– on; Th re arr thereh re Promites for pcrfevcra nce, to kerp and prderve) ou fafe unro rh10 Poffeffion, which is termed alfo Sllv•tion, J Pet. 1 Bnng tht endandfi" 'tprrtod of yourfaith, tht S,z/vatzo,ofy·ourJvul -: Andunto this Pofldlir·n ot'ialvation, we are laid to be ktpt by the Power cj God, J Pet. J.). 1\nd totha tendthePromifes are for perfeverance, 1 ThtfJ.) . 23 , 24Aud the very God of ptace f;mc1Jjy you whu!ly, and TprriJ Gud th.liJOur whole (pzrrt, -mrl foul, and body, 6e p"tjrrz;erl bt.tmeltfs Ulllc the ccmmg ofuur Lord7efU4CIJrtjl; Farthtt<l i< Ht thrll c,t!ldb)•ou, who,zljowtildotl; As a~(o, fin}b.JU not h lVt' domimon overyou, fo".JuU rlre under ~YtlCf; Or in the Cov· nant of Gr:ce ; And borh thefe are prom1fed 10gr·thcr in the Covenant of Grnce, as to GzveanewHeort, a1Jd anewSpznt, J·r, 31. whereby we are firfl "r0ught upon : So to put hi< ftllr wi1hz" "'· that w r jh.t/1 not depart from h"n ; In rhe fucceeding Chapter ot the lame Prop d J rr, J!· 40. I w10 mllke an E vtrlaf/ing Covt11ant wuh 1hem, th 11 l Wlfl .wt tttrn aw.ry j>omthrmto dothemgood, but I 'lbz!lput 7711ft.JY!IIIhflrht<IYIS, th.Jt they fh r!l 110t drpartfrom mr. And again, You have bor h rPgeth< r a· pms of his Covenant, (as 'ris hr re called ) 1 Lttkt 6o, 71. W hereof ono main part is Vtrj. 74, 7i· Tbat he wouldgram rmto UJ, th.ll wt bting dtlrz:ered out ufthr hands of our Etumirr, mtghtJervr htm wtthuut jtrlr, i11 holuufs andnghu– ouf•ufs before h1m aO o11r da)'s. Now it is t he firll Salvation that puts us into tbe flate thereofin the right ofit, which is No.2hs firfi Covemnt, to be faved in the w ,•ters, which the Apofile Peter makes the figure of our Bat ifm. . Now the Promifc to put us into the fiate ofSalvation in the whole r'gbt thereof, is that which anlwers to Gods Promife to Noah, to fave him from, and in the Waters : And it is the main, and great Prom1fe of the Two, and which the promife afterwards to keep us, dotb, and nee<·lfarily firfl fuppofe to have exif\ed. And this Salvation we call l111tinl .f,zlvotJort; That of ou r be– ing kept to pcrfcvere, and that lin !hall never have domin on over us <otall v, and finally, is but the continuation of us in that flare otfirll Salvati m, until! we come to rhe full poffcffion, even as Providence is ot' Creatior; in them is conti!Ulance, and we !hall be faved, And Gods eflaring us H fi•ll therein, is the performance of his Covenant, •nd from out ofthe fame Grace, out of which He after continues, and preferves us in tl11t efl ate: And rt is the •dwle Covenant for the performance of ir, which God calls to •emembrance «ith Himfelf, ( Tht waters of Noeh to nu :) And as a witnef<, and arreflarion th· renf, here produced unto us: So as we mufi either wholly cur offrhat firft great performance of it in calling .us, as no w3y J,er~· intf'nderl, ur wr- mufi rake it inro the Figure ( NoflhJ wattrJ) here remembered upon occafionofit. Thefe things in General. As