Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of EM/ion. ----------------------~ --~----------------- ~ As for the fecond part of the gth Verfo, which contains the Promifeof Pre· 6o BoOK I. . fervation, and a Security againfi the return of that Curfe of thefe Waters any ~more, that this alludes unto NotJh's fecond Covenant, after he came out of the Ark; as none can deny that reads the words; fo the Parallel betweem them is more obvious : And thatthe fcope thereof is to ·confirm us of the e– verlafiingnefs of God's k indnefs that !hall follow us all our days after Converf!. on, which ispromifed, Ver f. 8. This I partly have !hewed afore, and !hall further more, in the Explicati0n of the words, that Jollow that paffage in de– claring and engaging an everlafiing unchangeable kindnefs and mercy,and that by Oath, again!\ all fuch fears of fins in our hearts th~t threaten to ovtrl!ow again: And that Sinfhouldneverhavt'Domtflionover .u, btcaufewe are un– der Grace: This I need not largely inlifi upon. . But inflead of an inlargement that way, it will be more behooful to anfwer fome Objections that may be made againfi this latter part, to have been intend– ed as a Type, but at all only brought in by Go~ , as a meer Allufion and bare Similitude ; by which God illul\rates only (and confirms) the fiability of hi. Covenant of Grace, · And the Objection is this, That that Covenant with Noah, Gen. g. wM but a Covenant of Common Providence; and the Concerns thereof, as tbat S11mmer and Willtrr, 'Day and Night, jhouldttot ceafo; ya, rmdwas made with rvery lsvi11g thi11g, M writ as with Noab; and anfwerably hadbut a11 outward n,,tural jigfl to con· firm it, The waters {hould no more defiroy the Earth; a11d bath nothi11g to do with the Covenallt of Grace, nor can be Juppofed to 6r a Figure of that Co– Vtnallt rmder Gofpel times. For Anf<JJtr, 1, As to that, That it is but a Providential Promife of conti· nuance of the World from the Judgment of Waters any more; outwardly it was no more: But this hinders not trom its being in the Myfiery a Typical Pro– miCe to Noah, and thofe of his Seed Elect that were to fucceed, to fignifie the perpetuity of the Covenant of Grace to them, and that God would never fuffer his loving kindnefs to depart: T his (I fay) no more hinders, than that That Promife under that other former Covenant to Noah, to preferve him and the Beafis in the Ark, lhould not be the Covenant of Grace (in the Figure,) a~ yet we have for certain beard out of Ptttr that it was : For both were but for outward Salvation in the Letter. 2. To that next part of the Objection , That it was made with the very Bea(l:s. Nor cloth this rationally prejudge it from bearing this Figure, r. No more, than that becaufe the Beafis and Cartel came forth of Egypt with the lfraelites, that therefore their Redemption Typied not forth Re– demption by Chrilt. 2. Nor no more, than that becaufe the Cartel drank of the Rock, as well as the lfraelites; that therefore that Rock was not Chrifi figuratively and Sacra– mentally; which yet the Apoflle expre1ly telleth us it was, 1 Cor. 10. Nor jdly, Was that Covenant made primarily, or in a direct and principal refpect with the Beafls , but with Noah and his Sons; and with the Beafls but fecondorily for his fake, and as Appurtenances to Mao, and belonging to him; otherwife they are not capable of a Covenant, becaufe no way to be made fen– fible of it; and therefore but as an accidental Appendix of Man's Charter, or Leafe granted, it is that they are put in. And again, Look as for Man's fake the Earth, and all things in it, were accurfed, Gm.j. and then they were de· firoyed for Man's fake by this Flood, as God profelleth , Gen. 6. 6, 7· So on the •contrary God declareth, That when he faw thofe Creatures in the Ark, that it was for his fake; and therefore this Claufe is twice added, Gen. 6. 19, 1.0, to keep them alive [with thee;] that is, for thy fake.. And in like man· ner 'tis faid, Gm. 9· 1, 2, l· ·And God bleJJed Noah and hts Sons; a11d faui unto them, be frt~itft~l and mnltiply, and rtplenifh the Earth, And the fear of yo11, and tht dread of you, jbalt 6e t~pon every BttJj/ of the Earth • aHd