Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

·Of Eleflion. and ttpo 11 every Fowl of the Air, up011 a!! that movcth upor~ th-; Earth ,..,d ~ ttpo11 a!! the FtjbeJ of the Sea; illlo yottr bands are they lleltvered: Every Chap. 4• moving thing that !tveth jha!! 6e mfat for yott; eveu aJ the grem E{er6, ~ have I givm you a!! thmgs. So as tt was to preferve mankmd, that thefe Creatures were preferved; and that they mtght have Sub)eds to have Domi: nion over. .. · ; , 4- Yet further; all the Creatures may well be faid to corn~ 1mderthis our Covenant by Chrifi : For we profefs and belteve ?• not on,ly that Chnfi by bts death , made a purchafe of all , and by Ius Sacrifjce, procured rhe •fian<ling qf the World ln order to the elect for their good,and fo their prefervation comes to be included in the eleets.Covcnant, and Promi[es: But there is by Chrifi a liberty one day to be conferred upon the whole Crearioq, in their 6eing de!i– vertd from the Bondage of corrttptio11, i111o the g!oriom Li6trty of the So11s of God: So as in theirC1paciry they fhall have a, !hare in the Priviledgesofth~ new World; that World ro come; Typified forth by Noahs new World; anq promifed upon his having offered his Sacrifice, \fperein he was Ghrifi'$'fype. So that this is fo farr from bemg an Ob)edwn ,.,~)lat tt/erves on the contr.ary· to render the Analogy more complear. · 1. ·.r· But as to this of the Beafis , and the Rainbow , there is another Notion yet to be cafi in, of a figurative reprefentation ,, t~at thefe J3eafis in the f\,rk did hold with the eleGt themfelves to be conveHed under tbe Gofpel; as will put a farther end to this or any other objection of this fort: But I referve it to a greater Advantage, to bring it in the particular parallels; between ·thefe of Noah's Covenants, and our Covenam of Grace. ~~ l. r SECTION III. A more Particular Explication, both of the Phrafeology, . Manner of Speech, and Matter in the t;th Verfe,Con– ftrming the foregoing Interpretation. T Huu] He fays it of the Promifes He was a fpeaking of, and of his Co– venant to his Church, Vtrj. 7, 8. But you will Ask, how is it fuch Promifes, and the matter of them, fhould be called The Waters of Noah ? The Waters of Noah] are in this firfi fentence rnetonimica!!y ufed to fig~ nifie all thofe pa[ages at and about the Plood, concerning Noah's Salvation figuratively applied to promifes of Gods Covenant: it being ufital in all Lan~ guages by mentioning one circumfiance, or eminent occurrence; as the day or ihe Place whereon, or wherein fuch memorable things were done 0 ; fpoken, to denote the things, or Fads done, on that Day, or Place ' to• gether with that eminent Occurrence: As when it is faid, The day of P;ovo– cation in the Wi!dernefs; it ferves to mind, and notifie al! the lingular Pro– vocations of that Day, or time: So in like manner, As when our Saviour faid, the days of Noah ; He intends thereby to Notifie the things done in thofe Days, Matth. 2+ Chap.l], l8• Vtrjes compared. In like manner, by the 'Da,•s of Lot, Luke 17. 28. He intends to notifie the things then done : Thty dzd eat th;:; did d~t11k , fays he,;. They 6o11ght , 1heyfoJd; tbtyplantul, thry buz!ded; f!lc. In hke manner, us ufual to menrwn fame one eminent Occurrence in fiead of all the refi, to hint all the refi , that were at the fame time acted together with it, or that belong thereto : Thus here, the Waters. of Noah , That ts , all the Occtirrances, Palfages thtn , or things done : And the remembrance of thofe things being fo like, yea, in many things the · fame,