Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of E!eflion. courtt: or l.1 c:, Zeal, Office, ~!Jd wa) 0 1 MiniHry, ai E~taJ w~s; and li ving·~ in like cor~t:pr and depraved Trmcs: As rite Angel; defcnl•ed nrm, and f<>rc- C t:.lp +– told againlt ·" B:rrh, Lt~fe 1. 17~ l n l h' pow er tJnd{ptrtl of Elias, tottlnt ;he~ dt{v6rdumto d" Wt/tfom of the ;uf. T hus here; God para lleling his C.n"cnam wnh Nudb, C!)c. W!rh rhat [O tns Eled c! 1 llrCh' and upon the n membr, nce ot the likenef., and famenefs, !a) s .. 1'/:i< t.< I he Wuters of Noah: Evo n as Chrifl calls ]o11.1h's being :n t tc W .Jales belly three days and three nights , the S:gn of Jon,;h, that is, ol berng in the Grave, and riling then up apm. . 2. But fpecially, thi• is, and may be ufed, when one thing is the Prophe– tick Figur>, T1 pe, or Sig~ of anot/la; thor the y are muwally and inddfe– rendy n1med theonetheothcr, 1b.1t l.i.ock Wa!Chn/1; the Figure hath the Name of Chrii't that was intended, and prcligurtd, 1 (or. ro. 2. ,,nd v•: . ce vo·(fl, oronrheotherway, Chrzffour ·i ,Jj{'uvtri&j,lcr;(iced for tu, 1 Cor 0 ; 5· 7• There Chri(\, the thing prcngured, is Htled The Figu'f: f,nd in thts cafe it is not by way of fimple Me•aph<>r, in thJt the t hmgs are like one rhe other: But there is th.s further ipecial Foundati·m for it , That when one thing is :ntendedfor th : J:1pc of anotitcr, tt is all One, and to be a :ore– runn:ng Prophecy of rhe other; "'hich mufl rhorefort nccrifarily be luliilled; aod come to pas. If .Ad.1m be the T' p,· or Figure of Cnnfl, then what lol– lows, b, t as rhe Apo!lle a•gu•s ir, T!Jat · hri!t is hr thm i< la comr, Rom. ~. 14. Ad<~m, fays he, Wa! 1be Ftgure of hm1 that Wa! to cumr. And (n the; things rrefigured by JO\ T\ pe, mu(\ ot neceiTity be thing< to come, and to come to pa ; : For they are Prophecies, and Prophec:es mufi h•ve their Accomplilhment, , And in rh is cafe, the Figure and th:ng figured, do both bear the f, me name; therefor, Chrifl being the prefigured, tn and by the fir(\ Ad.1m, i rearmed the Lafl Adam, I Cu•·. r). Bur you ilia!! find the very fame form of tpeech ufed; and the fame ind:gic.rion made in rhe ld<e cafe, G •I 4· w ..en the t\ p,.flle would prove the dtfferrnt Conditions of two ierts ol Ptrf<ms; (into one of which all Monkind do Iall;) namely eitlwr to be und·. r the Covenant of works; or the Law, or ofGrace, that is, the G0:pt1: Having f<~r t .e pr00f.of there (for Types rightly npplted are Argumentauve,) alledged how .(ibr,,b,Jm ltad, 'tWo Sons; the one, by a Bond-woman; theotbcr, b;. a F1 ee-womun; ~nd d:lated thereupon. he cl.• p< his hand down upon ir, and w ith t. e like ind:g ·ta– tion cries, for [ thefe ) are the two Covenants: T erming the intend d T) pes, or Figures under the Old , by the name of t he Sub!\ance ; or r:,ings fignllled under the New, So in like manner , Rf'v. II. 4· of the Two ~itn lE·• under. the New Tr·f\amcnt, Typified ou.t b.' Zxh.1ry's two Olive Trees undtr tl:c old; thefe ,•rethe Ol.vr-Trres, l!ic. Again 1-pbrf. )·when the Apo!lk had related the pal!ages at .Adam and EveJ Marriage as they are fc•und in Gmt/is ;' of a Mmu 6ei,g)oi11ed to hUWtje, a11d·rhey two (mng onr Flejh; he in a like · form of fpeechqufl(i dtgito mo>l{lrfl•s, infiantl v lubjn' ns [ th s J is a great Mi!lery, as being intended of Chrifi, and his .Church: G··d tn h:s fecret in-. tention had that Aim in it: So here, wh I(I God had begun to expr< f; his. :Loving kindnefs, and was on to do it ; he as it were, fuddainly Orurk with the remembrance of tt, claps down hi, hanps; Tbts i< tbr Waters of N ,_ ah to me, This: There is indeed this d fforrnee ; tlut w.her•"' in rhat of .Adam.s Marriage, he t'kes (as I may fa)) hi• F.n,;er 0ff ' " m J1,, reJ.,.ing' the fign:tytng, and lays tt upon the dung lign:hed: r Thu u agre.1t My– j1er)':] Bt_Hhere vue ver{d, on the contrary, as J tco6 bTs hands, he ra!ies off his Speech from rhe th:ng lignilierl, ( namel1 1. s Covenant of Gr cc ) md lays.ittlpon the rh;ng fipn:fied; tfu u( no other than) the W,u rrs of No :h : Bur lt ,s al10ne( as I obferved ) f.,, rhe t hing figured to be dt·no<ntnated, by, the name of •he Figur·, ; as e Ca>1lra, the Figure by the Title nf r~e th .ng.' figured, _AndfotheP:rap'•rofeup0nthow(>rd;mavrunt, u<, as ir God had fatd; In rhe palla;p of r:;c \\<atcrs of N oah , I wan drawing.a :nodd, a S~•a-, dow, .of whar I meant to form up, and make aSul.l!la'nce and. !tealiry of in ~Iter Ages'; irfmy Coven·ani of Grace: