Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of Ele8ion. '£";;'KJ""' This to be the import ofthat weighty add tion [ Tu""· 1 T o.c Par'l' hrate of ~ r .. me dothconcur in, Tdeqmd C01trtpt apt~d mt: I was In my Thoughts con– ceiving, and forming fuch a like th ng "tthin ID)' felf: That is, whlifll was making thofe Tranfaeltons wtth Nur1h; O thers thus, VJdtor nuhi effe i11 dte– hmNoe : That is, win(\ Iamdeclaring,and fpeaking, talkingol~ andrefoJ. VtOf!, to perform my Covenant of Grace; I t wuh my fd t, I am at the Flood, os tn the d.vs of Nu tb; AnJ doing the fame things over agoin, which I did thtn about Nu,,J,, Salvat ion. and wtth the [,me Heart, and out of he fome groc,ous re(olutions; And being privy to his own intentions, He tells us pia nl v, This[Tu m<] war thn.i!Mttrs of Noah. And now I utter my fecret purpofes therem, that were as then private to my felf. SECT I 0 N IV. Some[pecial particul;r Parallels between wb,tt ir found in Noah's Covenant, and the Govenant u[Grace. I. A Blolutcnefs: Which, how a.nd what ,it will appeor by comparing Things, "llh T tngs, fpoken 0 1 m that l'ltflory ; And the order of tl,ttr be:ng fpoken of fir(\ in Cr.ap 6. When Gods Counftl, or Intention witiiin Himfelf auout faving, and Jet\r<•) in~;~ the World il hdd, and there )a.d open: Gods Gr,tet toward>him ts i~ the hrt\ place fl'lel:, and abfiraelly mentioned as the CJuh. thercnf; W\.tlfl no menttcn at all, not the leaf\ is made ol Noah his Holt~efs as mingled dH r<wtth; .As f r whtch, '"d upon"' h.cll , God sJid cafi th ... t Gr.,ct.:: upon Hi n, in Ver{. 8. But No,th jMwde.r,ue JH tht f)fS of thf Lord. But pure and t~nmixed Grare. "hen v. ork , , b: beif"lt:, alone mennon~ ed, is made the Total, ar·d < nl\ Caule of that MJt!er, Vrr l. 8. But Noah jotmd G'r 1re i11t br f)''! vj 1 he l.o•·d: And then indeed tn tt.e Stary oihi<Ge– nerati ' n, whic:, follows, Ver( 9· &c. t lt<re comes to be Recorded No.1hs Holinl fs: Tlu[rtll·etbeGemr,lllOIH vj Noah; Nv1Jb WJJ,J juflm(m, .;JJd pnfefl ttl '"' G'tner.lf IOTIJ, .mdNoah w 1/ked wJtb G'ud : So a> No ill's Perfo– nal Rig,h«oufne(s, folio" s a> the efftC.l: of that Grace, '' hich God bore to his Pnfon, and is no way ronneel. d wit ol that Grace, as that ,;, which God cafi that Grace upon him: He was fi,fi tound the O bj Cl ofGods Grace, and Fa· . vour, and not Grace firfi found 10 him: Thereb) pla.nly to infinuate, that for no R ightecufnefs in h•m it was, that God did firit abfolutely pitch his Grace upon him, abnractly horn rhe conftderatinn of his Holinefs, and that was the H•wimh•· t•uit of that Gr ce of Gods; As was a\fothe cafeofthebldfcd Vtrgin; 0 btn! .igrlllia, T/11 u • h .t 11rt GrrzcJOU·'!Y arapud, orgrtJcetl : That Thou of all other WC'mcn ;;;,;.::~~;,(:' lhculddl be the Mntlvr ol the Meffi,•h, 1ht So11 o{God, fay_s the Angel I Lukr 1 .,.,/i!'id 28 ;2. T o be fure thiS Pnvtkdge could by no worthtne(s 111 her felf, ·come to ,;;•.""1."" be bd\0wed upon hrr, fo nor thts ol No,th: Nor IS anv thing of His inferred as [~.;,~:"'" a condition ol that Grace; Again ot the 181h. Verj; B11t witb Tbee w11! 7 Sta· /;IIfb 711)' (vvnumt. Hence agam, t here is no mention ofcondition on Nu.1hs part, but0nly of whatGodby Covmantwoulddoon his And therefcreab· folut ely declarcth Htmft lf, that he not only makes a Covenant, but Ellabldh· eth it. And under this word undertakes to perform it, and bring it to a full perfection; So os what ever lhnuld be necelfary and requifite on Nuah.< part; God at once undertakes to work tn htm, as part ot illSown Covenant: Iryou read over the w hole Covenant cf G"ce, as it is Prophecicd ofby .7emnJ., Chap. l" and quoted by the Apo!lle, Hrh. 8. You will find, that all that IS requ fite to Salvotion on Man< part, God undertakes to work it in them, and cau!eth dl'eelually the!T hearts to concur thercm. But