Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of EleCtion. that;. go11r out of my lips. And that God had all our lins before him, and well ~ con!idered what they would be, when he takes this deliberate Oath ; the very Chap. 4· parallellnftance (afore us) of wlm is infert<d by God in Noab's Covenant.~ may inform us: The words tn Gm. 8. 21, are, Godjmd 1n hu htart, I w1lt not curfr the Grotmd_any morefor _man's J.ake; Jo~ zhe . tmflgnwtzon of man/s hrart i6 rvil from hu Y.11th: Nnther w1lt I agaw fmttr 011)1 morr rvrry living th111g M I h.'":'' do11t. Thus the Oath tn the Frgure fpeaks. And thst whicb Anfwers 11 tn the Covenant of Grace Is, That God lorefees what our fins will be: And yet he knows what he hath to do, obliges hirnfelf with a No11 ob(la11te thus everlaftingly to fave us: For he views them aforehand, and takes care they fhall not be fuch that he fhould be everlaftingly wroth with us, Hr k11ows our framr, as Pfat. IOl• and confiders it to be merciful to us, and neverthelefs goe~on to eftabli!h this Covenant wi1h u·s. This for the ilability of his Covenant. A. third Parallel is, That God bath made, and confirmed his Covenant of Grace fure and ilable, and in and through the Sacrifice of Chriil the Media– tour. Covenants we know were wont to be made with Sacrifice, P{i1l, so. 5'. Now God's Covenant on his part was to be ratified, Hrbr, 9· t8, 19, zo. And when God'. Co.-enant is in this 9th Verfe, fiiled the Covrnrmt of hu Peace; it imports as much as not of Grace fimply, but of Peace; as of God being pacified by an Artonemem of a Mediatour. And the AfpeCl: this word Peace may feem to have here, unto what in the Chapter afore had toregone, where the Sacrifice of Chrifi being prophecied of, it is faid, .Hr waJ 6r11i[ed for our A• Mr.G"'~" lmqullle!, a11d thrchdjilfemrnt of our Peace WM Npon h1m; throttgh whzch EoglilhAnoo" God brmg pactfted towards Uf, makes a Covrlltmt of Peace Wtlh m. Now mh<rmyfCo– as Chri!i is Hi led our Peace, Ephrj:2, and fo it being made by him, tbrougfl ;~~~~~ 0 the appointment of the Father, it is called by God the Covenant of his Peace, '''~34-!S·.& 1 Cot. w. It pteajetf the Father that Chrzjl, havi11g made Peaa by the Blood 37'' 6· •h~,"~ of hu Crofl, to rtconcilr to h1mjflf, ~c. And in 1bis refpeCl: the Parallels fall ~,~;c~:c~~~. moft firly between that Covenant,Gm. 9· made with Noah, a Figure ofGcd's with us; it is worth our comparing the one with the other: For not orily de jaefo, it is found to have been fo, that e're God eilablifhed his Covenant with .Noah, when come forth of the Ark, he offered Burnt·ofl'crings on the Altar to God, and that God was well pleafed therewith, Gm. 8. 20, 21, Thr Lord fmrttrd" (wut Jfwor; a Savour of re!i, as in the Hebrew: that is,of Peace. A11dfaid i11 hu hmrt, ~c. Hr wouldcur(r the Earth 110 more: and thereupon efiablifhed that Coven~nt that follows. And that Nodh, the Father of that new World to come, was herein a Type of Chrift; and that this Sacrifice of his was the T} pe of Chri!i's Sacrifice, we all acknowledge, from the warrant of that Allufton, and famenefs of Language the Apo!lle ufcth of Chri!i's Sacrifice, that had been uttere<l of this of Noah, Ephrf. 5'· 2. Chrifl gave him" frlf for zu an Offtring, a Sacrifice to God, for a Jwert Jmrtli11g s ,,vottr: which I inlifted upon atore. But it may further be noticed,how that he makes theParallelyetmoreconfpicuous, and as fetly defigned, by comparing the order and coherencesoftbis )4th Chapter of lfoiah,wilh the foregone, Chapter the nd. That that Chapter treats of Chri!l's Sacrifice; and then this 54th Chapter, and alfo the 5)th and 56th Chapters do treat of the Covenant of Grace, the Covenant following thereupon. And they fuccced each other in the very fame immediate coherence that Noah his Sacrifice and Covenam did one the other, in thofe two fore-mentioned Chapters in Genr.jis. For look; as '" the latter part of that 8th Chapter, he relates the Story of Noah's Sacrifice, that then in the 9th Chapter, be Records that Covenant thereupon, juO: anfwe~ably in I[aiah, after he had in the ,fore-going 53d Chapter, forewld Chnil s great Sacnfice of himfelf; Bearmg ot<r {ins mzd Jorrows, ma• kmg hu S&ut an offering for fi"; with promife that fooutd 6r jt~(ltfted therrby: And he (bot~ld(er ht< Jred, [§c. Immediately after this he fubj0yns, !low upon this Sacrifice God Covenants to rear up a new Chrir\ian Church, Cof wh1ch the next Branch is to treat.) and eO:ablifheth this Covenant therewith, under this very Figure of the Waters of Noah: And as no Prophecy fpeaks more fully and clearly of Cl1fi!l's Sacrifice, than that 5' 3d Chapter K 2 of