Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of E!ef1ion. ~ change of the Old, Hrbr. 9· The Saints, and Churches you read of in theE– ~ pt!lles, fuperlcnbed unto them; to the Romans Corimhtans, Ga!attmts E– phrfianJ, Phi!ippias ,. Co!oj]ia11s, and the Hrbrews, Thus in general for the T ) pe. But, 2. furthermore, when Noah came forth of the Ark, to begin this new World'· he falls a Prol'hefying; and prophefies after that Second Covenant made wtth htm, of tlus fame New Chu~ch, Gm. 9· 2 7· Godjhatt inl,.rge Ja· phet to dwell 111 tht Tettts of Shem; whtch was when !he Gentiles were con. verted : And now _let us return again to Ifaiah, nod fee whither he dotn now alfo l'rophefie m a language conform to this of Norih's,as ifhe had renewed but N0r1h's old Prophecy, as intended of this new Church. Read on the next TwoVu{es of that Chapter, [ Enl"rge ]the place of thy Tent, mid let them flretc/J forth the Curtcuns of thy Htbttattons: Spare 11ot, lengthen thy Cords flrmgthm thy Stakes, for thou fhalt brrak forth 011 the right hand, ando; the lrft; a11d[ thy {(rd{b.ttl i!llm·ittbr Gentiles;] a11dm,1ke the drfolate Ci– tirs to bt inhtlbited. Which repeats but the punctual fulfilling of that Prophe. cy of Noab in Japhel's Seed , under the fam· Language of enlarging Japhu there; and enlarge thy tents, here; and of dwelling in the Tents of Shem there, through the efficacious perfwafion of the Word that went out of Ston and from .1emfalem, in th,e Ap)!lles Mini(\ry. For after this , Mofes tbe Re– lator of thefe things, fetttng down who were the Sons of Japht t, in Verj. 2, ?• 4.In the 5th Verf. hefhews what parrs of the World their allot– ment was: By theft were the Ifles of the Grnttles divided ill their Lands. evtryoue ~zfler hi& To11gue, after their Frlrmlin., itJ tbeir Natio11s. No~ we may know that thofe files of the Gentiles, are thofe of Europt; the Gre· citms, Germ,ms, Bntains, (!}c. Andfocalled by a fpecial denomination: Eu– ropr abounding Wtth I!lands, more than Afia or Afriw, by farr. And we find nmong the Hcatl:en R.ecords, that they !liled thcmfelvesJapeti genw,the Seed of _1,tphet : You Brethren, even you, are a Portion of that Seed, J,. petimts all; and "hofe fore fathers have been perfwaded to dwell in the Tents of Shem, and the Gofpel is among!\ youto this Day; you are, with other Nations, the Church in all thefe Prophecies pointed at, and Children of this Covenant, which bath taken hold of many of you. AAd we have heard with our Ears, and our Eyes have feen it, the fulfi lling of that which fol– fows in that 1 ?thVerf of this!Chapter, Tour Sud /ht~ll lftberit the Gwtiles tmd makr the drjo{,lfe Cities to bt 111habited. . Th is as to the Perfons, or what Generation of Men, limply confidered. 2. For the Condition of the perfons this new Church was to confifl: of; it had a reprefentation made for it to prefigure that , namely they fhould be fin· 1urs of all forts, that the worfl of' Natio11s ;, the World 6ro11ght forth, ac– cording to the fevera! kinds of their dtgmeratings and profmuffis. I mu!\ now again rctrive that Objedion which I before have made, namely, that there were all forts of Bea{ls mzd Fowls, and creepiug things in the Ark, which were from the Waters, in a corporeal Salvation, as well as Noah, and his Sons; yea, and with whom, after Noah and they e11me forth of the Ark, that fccond Covenant was made. And the Objection is, that there· fore this Covenant cannot be drawn into a figure of the Gofpel Covenant with the Church, his elect. Belides thofe anfwen then given , I then made a refervatio'n of one for this place ; and I have now on purpofe propofed the Objection anew, to u01er in this new parallel, that is now to follow, from what the very Bea!ls ptefigu– red. We read A/1. 10, 11, 1z. how in the fir{\ beginning of the Gofpel , or of this new Chri!lian Church , (as 'frtrr fpeaks of it, .1111s 15. ) there was nVeffellet down from Heaven, in a vilion to Peter, wherein were flll manner of Four-footed BM{/s i11 tht Earth: Wild Btaf/s, mzd creepi11g things, and Fowls of the Air: And the interpretation of this to Peter was, that the Catholick Church, under the New Te!lament, ll1ould confifl:, as of Men from out of all Natio11s of NO!Ihs Seed, whether clumor tmclemt, Jew, or Getltile, who fhould now be converted to th~ Faith of Chri!l: And <hat th1s was