Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of ElefJion, 71 was C.gnified unto Peter by all thefe forts of Creatures: Now bring thi• to~ Noah s Ark and Covenant, 1 Gm, 7· and 9· ChtJpters; the Antients( as A~t- Cttap. 4· fli" ) readily underfiood the coming in of all Nanons under the Gofpel into the s~ Churclt, to have been prefigured tuereby. And ho~ ufual1t JS Scnpture to"'" "'m'''""' fet out the feveral fort• of wicked Men under the Stmihtude of Beafls; as He-''· A"acia.– rod, by a Fux; Nero, by aLio11; the Cir.cumcition, ?Y Dogs; needs ~ot :;;~~~?,: ~;;~ be enhrgcd upon: I may theretore apply what God.cloth tn Ezeloe!, touchmg clrft• '"''"'· his People, whom he had rcprefented under the f 1gure of Sheep, through- A'' '"""" out, Ch.ip.J4·He in the lafl Ver(e, by way of Expofition of that Parable, The ~;,:•;h,~::: flock of my 'f',Jflttre are Men, fays he; So on the contrary I may fay, thefe Beafls are Men, the wickedefi of Men; and all kind ot· Sinners of them. And truly, when I confider~ how much that one alone in the ACls anfwers to the other in Geuefis; and find 1n companng both places the very fame enumeration as to the k•nds of thefe in both places, to be thefe generals, Fowls of the Air, Beaffs, and Cruping things; and how fome of every fort of thefe, are in both places pointed at; I could not rejeCl: this as a meer Phantafm of Mans imagination; it having fo far the name of a Scr·pture for its warrant; as by this comparing thefe Scriptures together, cloth appear. And whereas it may again be objeCl:ed, that the Covenant, Gen. 9· is made witb Noah, and his Sons, and their Seed di!l:inCl:ly , and a part from that of the Beafis, and all living things; and fo the Figure of thefe Beafis can not be brought into this Account, The Anfwer is; that what fome part of a Type doth not ferve to reach , that another !hall: Types are but imperfeCl: JlJadows , and therefore are fo formed, as one to reprefent one piece of the Subfiante, to be !hadowed out under one refemblance; and another piece, or Limb under another:(Whereof multitudes of lnfiances might be given: ) So then, although the Church of his Eled, whom God made his Covenant with , and for, were to be Men; as for their Perfons, of Noab's Seed and Poflerity; and in that refpeCl: the Covenant is by name m>de with them ; yet their Condition , as Sinners, was in the feveral variety of their Beafiialities as Sinners, fet forth under the Fi– gure of thofe feveral forts of living things, to the taking in of the mofl vwe– mous of Sinners, Serpents, and creeping thing'. And fo by both the llepre– fentations, the Figure is made the more compleat; which under one alone would have been too imperfeCl:. 'Tis then but putting this double Confide– ration refpeCl:ively upon either, and the objedion is f1lved: And the full mind of t he Figure appears to the Life. 6. Lafily; That very Rainbow, which is fa id to have been. and then fer– ved to be but an outward Providential Remembrance to God,no more to drown the Earth by Waters, bath yet in the New' Teltament anoth,-r Ra1116ow, whereof that in Gt1ujis was but i!Je 7l '~"'""'": you may behold its •ppear– ance when you will, twice in the Reve!atzon, The firfi time, fer and confiant : The fecond, occafionally; and both fet up for the comfort of this new Chri– !lian Church, (which we have !hewn was the SubjeCl: of the Covenant) a? that mGtnejJS had been for the Confirmation and Efiabli!hment of.Jloczh's World, The.firU appeannce of thisRain6ow, you may. b_ehold, Rev, 4· Verf. l: where 1t 1s placed for a confiancy to endure, and contmue unto the end of the TranfaCl:ions of that Book; at which Chapter beginneth the General Prophe~ ey of the Fates of this Univerfal Chri!lian Church; gathered (as was obfer· ved) ot1t of ,,/t R1tions, Toflgues; and Kindrrds; as where you alfo read, Chap. ) . 9· And in that 4th Chapter; at the firfl entrance to ·the Prophecy, and by way of Prol~gue to the whole , is God prefented as fitting on his Throne , ordenng and governing all Occurrences that fhould befall this Church, havwg a Reprefentative of that whole Church in all Ages; e.ven as a Parliamemary Alft mbly befori: their Prince and King, fian.ding ofore him' and h1s Throne: And their appears a Rai116ow round .abo.ut rhai T iJrone o( God, Verf. l• which is in a perfeCl: Alhilion to this of 1Voah: For ihe Fate of the Chu'rch of,the New Tefianient was all along throughout all Ages morea i:. fltCl:ed, tofi With tempefis; than ever the Jewifh Church had been : ~~or V<rj: