Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

was the only Univerfal Flood; though !>articular Floods have been, before and~ fince. . ~ 2.. Yet Secondly, Hit Face jhone_aJ th~ Sutt, . to thew that his l<:verlalling Grace, and kindnefs, was not only mwardly wtthm htmfelf, and in reality in this fad hour 1\ill the fame that ever it had been to his peo1>le in their utmoft profperous times; And that his Heart had nothing but grattoufnefs of intent~, thoughts ofpeace towards them; But that outwardly his face, (which is the Index ofhis Heart) thould thine upon their Iouis, in lifting up th~ light of his Countenance thereon : Whilll their outward man was under thofc fore l'erfc: cutions. 3• And the Sun·fl>ine of his face, and favour, caufeth a Rainbow to !hine ori the Cloud about his Head, for a Memorial, and Alfurance to his Churh, that this Flood thafl not defiroy them : Though it may affiict, and tofs them fore, even as in Gtn. g. I 4· ( in the figure) it is faid, it jbalJcome to p..jt, theJt when !bring a Cloud over the Earth, that the Bow /hall 6e in tbe Cloud 1 and I w i/J remember my Covenmzt : And truly I conclude,. Let Chrifi come with what Clouds he pleafeth , and cover us his Body all ovor with them, fo as hi.s Face thine as the Sun, and he lifr up the light of his Countenance upon us;ai'ld fet up hisRainbow , the fymbol ot his everlalling kindnefs and Mercy; arid we lhall have fuf!icient to fappoit us; · L SECTION