Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

74 Of EM/ion. -- ~ BooK I. ~ SECT I 0 N V. How the Story of Noah, WM a Type ofthe Mediator of the Covenant of Grttce, Chrift which WM the .11rft I PETER. Ill. 19 1 2.0, 2.1. By which dlfo he went and Preached unto the Spirits in Pri]on : Which fometime were difobedient, when once the longfu/Jering of God "11/fit– ed in the days of Noah, while the Ark. was apreparing: Wherein few, that is eight Souls were faved by water. The tikg Figure whereunto, even Baptifm, doth alfo nowJave IU, ( not the putting a– way the filth of the Jlejh, but the anfwer ofa good confcience towards God) by the Refurre£iion ofJe[IU Chrifl. T Hat which Peter holds forth concerning this our Salvation, is reduci– ble to two Heads, which drawn forth, and f« our, will give us a full Expofition of the Apofiles Scope therein.---- Firfl Head. - Noah was tbm a Preacher ofthe Gofptl, and ofSalvation /;y Chrijl, evm mwe the Apof/les now, that's Peter's Scope. We read in the Second Epifile ofour Pettr 2.. s. Tha' this Noah Wai then a 'Preacher ofRighttoufnefs: What R.ighteoufnefs? That ofthe Law, that is, ofthe Righreoufnefs ofa rigid R.epentance only ? No, it is faid, Htb. I I. 7. By faith Noah being 111arned of God ofthings not [ten as ~et, movedwithfear, prepared an Ark to the faving of his houfe, 6y the which he co11dtm11ed tht worM, a11d became heir of Righteot~foefs, which is by Faith. Noah himfelf was taught ofGod from that figure, being faved by the Ark, (whichPeter here applies to the Salvation ofthe foul by Chrifi) he being thus infiruded by God, to have his recourfe unto the Righteoufnefs ofthe Mejfiah6yfaith, he became, fays the Text, Heb.••·7• The heir of therighlfoufnefs of faith: That is, of the fame Righteoufnefs that we Chr1fiians do n<ow Believe in: There was a new and clearer illu!lration then, and thereby added and revealed toNo– ab's faith, befides that had been afore through the Promife ofthat Seed toA– dam : And Noahs faith being thus more fully and explicitely inlightned in that point, than any or all before him ; it i• faid, he thereupo11 becamt the heir of the righteo11{ne{s offaith antw; and becaufe he was with a frelh light and clearer difcovery brought to embrace that R.1ghteoufnefs ofthe tfl!rjJiah, which had been but darkly and obfcurely, in comparifon before revealed, there– upon out of his own perianal faith, and experience, ht 6tcame a Preacher of the fame righrtoufiufs unto the worM, for therr Ettrnat Satvatzon a!fo; for as ht believedJo he (pakt. And further, he JS declared to be aFree-Grace mmJ in his Faith as to Gods acceptation ofhim, he wholly relying on the foie fa·