Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of EM/ion. 77 ~· I found _that IJ.· ;;.r..7;,, tranflated hei-e hjthe Water'· is_ more properiy, ~ both to the fenCe and phrafe rend~ed through tht Water, andfo the fcnfe is · iri Chap. 4· theAi-k they werefaved from theflood,beingcarri~d in itthrougfiall itsWa~es,~ and !\ill kept fafe from all danger from tRem, as In the At1t, Chap. 4. z:z.. It u through many Tri6~<fationt w~ enter iltto Glory! ( 'ris the ~ame P~rricle; ) So thefe were faved torough theft Wattrf, whtcll otherwtfe; of themfelves direelly an(~ indeed did threaten aad Hazard their Salvation. Again I found JlJ JA7e<is rendred in this very Epi!Ue, in the Water, or the mid!! of the Water, by this ~~ty ,Apollle that kept to his own Dialeel, i , .. Epijl ~· 5· Tht Earth thatnowfltindt in tht Wattr; or, In the midfl of the ~·lr'·"'"~ Wattr, Ju!l thus here, they were favcd in the Ark, Fldatidg in or through ~h~~:/J;~ the mid!\ oft he Waters.. , . , . wi llhapier. 4· So as tho.fe words [ Tht likt Figure whtrtunto j refer not,t, Tddie word Wattr, but unto the word Ark, as wherein it is faid, they Wtrt {av~d. 1.. Or elfe , unto the Matter of that wh'lle foregoing Sentence ; aad fo the Cohe– rence runs thus, that the Sub!lance ofour Salvation by Baptifm, or Chli!li~ an Baptifm, anfwereth in Similitude uiito that Salvation of thofe li:ight Per~ (ons in the Ark then; and is a like Figure thereupro; . So then the Summary Refult of all is; that Chril\ our Ark and our Salva– tion iri him now fignified in Baptifm, was the thing lively forcfigured in that Salvation of their$ in the Ark ; bearing them up iii aiid through the Wa– iers. OF