Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

0 F ELECT 1 0 N~ BOOK 11. Of the Order of God's Decrees about _Man's EMlion. and Reprobation. Of the End to whtcb we are Or~am~d; A Supernatural Vnion with God,, and Commumcatzon of bimfelf. The Infinity of Grace difcovered there– in. CHAP. I. That God bad a Refpefl 1mto Man (confidered) as unfahz in his E– le!lion of him unto the End, and alfo unto Man as fain into Sin i1t his Decrees to theMeans. T H I S Di!linaion to the End, and to the Means, in the De· crees of God, is fo generally acknowledged, that I need not in· lift on't. But concerning what is the End, and what are the irftans, as in my Senfe,l intend it needs fome Explication. 1 . The End is either, 1. God's Glory, and that l call the Suprtam End of all. Of this my Affection proceedeth not, :t. There is that fulnefs of Glory God deligned ro bring his Elt£1 into; and this l call the 'l:Jitimalt End or Ilfue of all ( as the other the Supream.) And this end (which the Apo!lle terms Tht End, 1 Cor. 1 S'. 24. and Rom.6.22. and Chrifi the Perfdtionof his Members, John 17. 22, 23. compared,) is that I mean, when I affirm that rhe Decree to this End was not after, or upon the eonfideration of the Fa:ll firfi had. But indeed, that all thofe Means to accomplilh or bring us through unto the at~ raining of this End, they dl fuppofe Man fain, ~s to the Obect of them' . . And 79