Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

~------------~~~~---------- 80 Of Eleelion. ~ And then fecondly, l.di!linguilh again of what ar•. termed Means to this BooK 11. E11damong fcveral Dtvmes. The pure Superlapfanan he takes into the ~Means to this End, the Creatiotl', and the Permiffion of the Fall, and calls ~;;i~:b~~ ~; them Mea~JJ to bring Intenuon or Decree to that ultimate End or ,.;,. "''"do. Glory fpecdied, But I do hmtt my felf, that thofe only are Mtans, either ;, ;:;.,~·~,~;: which orl Cbri!l's part br, as • Redeemer, hath performed therounto, or u' ,. Dmiq"' wh1ch on our pan are wrought m us, or by us; fuci'l as are Collmg, 'juflify– (Lapfo) i•m- wg Ft~~tb, and Rrpmttmce, wh1ch are termed Preparations tmlo Glory I;;;·;~:,"~,":, Rom. 9· 25. Whom he htllbafore prepandunto Glory. Alfo good Works: P••v"i" "' and an holy Ltfc, Ephe(. 2 . 10. whtcb God had afore prepartd, (So m the por,;r.r;tmor. Margent and Greek) ·that we jhould walk ill thtm, He will give Grace as 9,1\fi. ~c ~": the Means then, Glory as theEnd. Thefe I am fure are fuch Means as do u: hio:r.p•~",;6 Je, prepare for Glory , by way of direct and proper Influence. And all fuch do prefuppofe a Fall, and are a Refiauration of us out of it, And it is of thefe I now fpeak, and unto thcfe I do limit my Difcourfe. And as for that other of Creat:o11, ~c. fure I am, That that Holinefs in A dam by Creation, whill\ he l\ood, and in which he was Created, was not a means at all of tliat Glory, that is of that Election Glory which we are now fpeaking of. But therefore 1t mu!\ be ea!\ upon fome other Confideration Notion, or Account, than ofa MttJIIJ which Election lhould have prepared fo; that Glory, Alfo the Sin of Adam, no man mu!\ fay that it was a means but at the utmol\ of it, but an occafion, or rather indeed but a meer out le; or pa!f•gc 1hrough which Election wrought it fdf into a new Enlargement or Ampli l1cation and Magn1fying of the Grace of it felf towards the Elect, io a new way, confldered tU Simttrs, and as now become miferable, which by Creation they were not: In which new way and courfe, the Grace of Elel.lion would further e~piare, and as with a fetching a compafs about, 6ritlf{ .u to that ultimate Glory it had deligned: (as in He6r. 2. ro, the Phrafe is;) Thereby the more illul\rioully to glorifie it felf, by making thereby a new Edition of Grace which lhould give all anew after !inning, and defert of the contrary , forefeen, Wlrercas the former Grace conlidering us uofaln, and defigning us unto that end, was a meer Super-creation and Supernatural Grace through Chrift, as a Mediator of Union: But this la!\ was by him, as by ·a Saviour purchaling all anew, and rel1oriog us unto fuch Graces, now utterly lol\ , as were requifite for Man fain to have, e're he lhould be brought unto Glory. But what AfpectorSubferviency any way, Creation or Permiffion of the Fall have unto the Decrees of Election or Reprobation, I have a more pro– per place to lhew it in, But it is certain they ferve but in common unto each of thofe Decrees, and are but fuch Matters 2s common Providence. That which at prefent I would fay, is only that I rank them not among proper ar.d direct means unto that ult1mate Endfpoken, but I limit the proper Notion of Means unto fuch as do fuppofe the Fall ; for that Chrin eoofidered as a Re– deemer: As alfo that we lhould be called and 6tlieve thefe are all fuch Means as have an immediate Influence into"that Glory,as all do and mu!\ acknowledge; and they fuppofc the fall firll:, and ' herefore I limit the Decree of the Means untofuch, This for the l\ating of ir. Now as touching my Alfertioo , as thus l\ated, viz. his making this Apart– ment ,That in the Decree to the End, God had an eye unto Mao confidered as not fa lo: t am not alone in it; Polan.u fpeaks adequately unto this mySenfe, whom l the more willingly citr, becaufe he alfo makes Chrifl as he is Chril\the Head and Foundation of Elet1ion,conlidered afore the Faii:As alfo fuitable unto rh is my prefent Argument in hand, I profefs my felf to do: He [peaking how ~" Du•<i•d,. Man is the SubjeCl:, or Object of Election, and how confidered by God therein, "'" El"1i"i< bath thefe words: God in bu'Decru of Elrt1:on, dtd 6thold (or look upon) ~;,';:·~~:~·"· hM Elet1, M to the End be predef/itll:ted them tmto,[o 114 men abfolutely i~ com~ tinu, ad qutm m pr~dt{iilravit, 11t htmrints communit(r & ak[olutt extra. aliqiWII lqualitat~m in ifs ,,,p~tra!iont!IJ; qulf tit JIS diifrontndi libmimam p9tt~attm tallqn~m D11m~mu hdtt. . &m vmmedia .ad finem duccnua confi~trtmtl4,. mw~us ~ft bo11mmS~~~~ ur-hmgru,{id quatttHu futuritrant a {i, & m(t wn~pr~ perlaf[Hm, & m momm .mrntHn,prt~pr~a &i~lp~t pr.tufatJ. Polan. Y ug.1·4· c 9 ?·249· F1lio. mon