Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of E/eBion. 1n011, W;lbuw .JU cunfit<ertJitun of ~alatr;;~ IIJ. tlum. Bttt Jf we confider thr ~ Moons Je.tdwg to the End, Jo he looktd 1tf0" mm, IIOt M Ill thetr 1tpn ght Con- c'"P· l • d1t1o1t ( afornhe F.11J) but Mthey w ould 6e corrupt, of and w themjdves , ~ 6y tbt l•.t!J, aod f.tlu he,ldlong by their own_ default into Eternal 'Death~ T han which, not:ang IS more lull unto that Dtvttion or D t!ltncl:ton of Means and End "hich I have made. I know there is a Conrrovcrlie among Divines, not at all whether Eledion be not as well to t!1e Means as to the End, and lo unro both, none that I know deny rhat; but the Conrrover!ie is, Whether the w hole All of God'! decree– mgs unto botb, Jbou!d not have 6em pitched, either wholly 11pon Man conji– dred tn the M.1(r of. Creabibry <!fore the Fa/J, or wholly upon the M ,,fi of M ,mkiud conjidtrrd a•1d vuwed firf/ i:U fallen i11to fin, And many do judge it incompHible that borh fhould fiand. I profd s not ro enter upon the Merits of fo great a Qyefiion here; but only that both Conditions were at once viewed by God , fo that 0Ge was neither firl~ nor fecond to the Other in time, but that God having all afore him in his im• menfe Underfianding, had in his purpofe of Eledion to the End, a refped un– to Man confidered as tmfa!n, but in that to thefe Means unto Man confidcred, M f••l11, and decreed both, and all in one and the fame determination of his DivineWill. . That there h~ve been fome eminent Divines that have gone about tO re· concile thofe different Opinions, Whether Mm f ••ln or rmfa!n wert tht 06jd:l of P redefli•.atto11, may be (IV ell known among them that are verfed in this Conrroverlie. . . That Judicious and Good Divine Keckermamu, he firli flares the Contro· · · . ·. verfie; T he whole 0 !ff/1on (fays he) a6ottt the Objref of God's 'Decree of E- '7,'~~~~~~f..;{i lrefto>Hl, Whether Men were abfolmelyCoflfidered, (.u Cre<tlt<rts) Qr tmder h~•i•• Jimti ; the conftderaJion of the Fall. And then determines it by the Application of""~ ni•i~"" this very Di(\inClion in the S~nfe I have given it; Thus. The 'Deme of Eft· ~';(,~;;;lP~;;';. flton falls lm.ler t1 dou6!t Co11jft!rrattb11: The jirff, In i'e(pefl of the End,,;," wofuh namely, Ll]r Etmra! : find Jo the Co,ifidrratl011 of the Fa{l w ti1 11ot imeJJa~ ;:-:ff,:.·~•;i•;:, ry', hecrmfe tke F't1U WM not a Mea111 ther~of, 6ut rather .rm Impedtment. qLf!io 71 ,; rt· Secondly, Thu 'Decru m_,,y be conjidered, .U zn re,(peef tmto M tn's frml Con if."dm J,,. ditio~J, w hic_h Godforejaw, M ,zJfo of the Means, Ji~ch M zn re{pefl tmto ;!;:~ti:rdt~::: Mmz s (frarl ) CotJdttlOn were to come, name!r, of Redemption and R.ege- ,.. duplicittr nerarion : A nd Jo thr 'Decree of Electron lttct§art!y i11cfudrs d ri'fpi-Cf and po!Jr confidtru• coTJfideratiotJ of the Fall. ~~jpt;;~~f~i~, vid -;;itx .mr~ 11~, & fie 11111f f"i/Jt nwf[ariail conjitl.trationtm l11.pjis; quilt lap(us non tft mtii11m hujlfs Filth, (td potius imp;dimtntum. :z. COIJ.. jidtrari pofft dtmtllmh~e, r~t!iont tutn ipfo:ss holflinit, euj11s fr11.gilis eonditi1 d Dtl prlt'l!Utbatur ; tum ,ttiam ~!diarum tjuali:an rt[/nflu h11man.t t~mditlonis futlltd. trd.nt; vid. redemptionU& rttmtration~, & it4 i rcrtwn tltllioniJ inclHdtrt r:wQario rt.. fjeaum& con{idtratitmtm lapflM. Ke:ckerman.Syll:em,The:olog. And interpreting that to the Romans, Chap. 8. 29, Whom he bath fore– /tllown, thoje hr bath prede{/i11ati?d to 6e co11(ormab!r to th! Image of his So11. He furthet drawes out of thefe words the fiate and decifion of this Conirover– fie. The Apof/!e ( fays he) difiinguijbuh the 'De!'rte of' God i>tto two Afls : 1. Foreknowledge of {itch M are Ins: 2. Of Prode(\ination: Which when I wrrgh (faith he) I tmdtr/!rmd by thejore-know!edgt, hi1 Decrtejimp!y con– fidered of givi11g to Men Ettrn•l Life, a1 Man is co•ifidtrld wtthou"t the co•ifiderdtzon of the Fall. But 6y Prede(\ination I twder(iand Gods 'Decree concemi•g_M,m fain, lt4 he WM to be rai{tdup t~gai11,and to br brought to E~ Urnat Lrfe. And indeedE!eefion, in the import of it, j$ very ordinarily di~ fimgudhed by Dtvines from Pridtf/ination : The firfi to be unto the End /im– ply; The fecond to import the D ecree unto the Mrans; as including tht hnd. S<e J••'"" in'. his Amha t,z... . I fhail here omit what Ju~itir and Pifcator have atrempred ta the teconci- ~;;;,;~~ ~::.._ hng of tlus Conrroverftc. , , And rif"'" . fl..!1~(t.i~ Objt~ M tt1t #~~~~dift.