Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of EleCiion. ~ .A11[wer 2. And 2ly we find that the Scriptures, when fpeaking of Election Chap. r. do pitch the ordination of !t upon no other than Eternal Life and Glory,. as.....,...,... the Object of 1t, and Faith wh1ch IS that_ Confequent ot that Ordmat 1 on to Life , Affs. q. ult. As ma1zyaowert ordamedto etemal L ife ( as the end) Btlieved, (as the MMns through wh1ch God brought them to that E11d.) Yea, and through which I acknowledge tq~y. alf':', by afi ~a.of Election, were Orda.ned to be brought; yet frill the ,Ordmauon unto L1fe IS there only and precifely mentioned. He fays n.o~ , thofe that were ordained to IJrlieve 1 6elievtd · but thofe that were ordamed to Eternal Life, btlz eved, as that through w'hich they arrived at it. But as this E:leCl:ion to the End was one thing, and that to Faith as the Means, •nother; fo they may refpeCl: rhefe two feveral Gonditions ofMan chofen, mentioned: Again elfewhere, though it be true, that Faith is faid to be given by an All of EleCl:io,n, as well as eternal Life, and therefore is !tiled the Faith of Gods El•ff, 1 Tit. I . ,yet Eternal Life is there alfo, not di(\inCl:ly alone and apart fpoken of in Ver[ z. but as that which being originally promifedby God, u;ho camzot lyt, afore the World began, viz. 2, as that winch bemg prom1fed and decreed, had drawn on the believing, and the ordination thereof by ElectiOn: So as although thefe two are conjund, yet frill they may aod a~e to be abfiraCl:Jy confidered, no't onlyasdifiinCl: Decrees, butasthofethatmay be determmated upon theEled under dif\ind Confiderations or Notions of fain and tmfaln; 0/;jtff;2. And again, that it is faid, 2The{s. z. I 3· He bath from the 6tgin11ing chofen you to Salvation through Sanffification of the Spirit ,mzdbeliefof the trilth. Where our Election tp the Means, and to the E11d, are joyned, and that End it felf is rearmed Salvation which refpeCl:s the Fall: For out of that it is that we are faid to be faved; An{wtr I, I Grant, r, That that ultimate Grand Story of Gods being all in all, bath upon the Fall; the Title of Salvation anew put upon it: And Chrifi's purchafe ofit anew f9r us, did deferve that Title. And fo I grant al– fo; yet when we were ordained unto ,thefe Means of raith, ~c. we were with all ordained unto this End , as it is Salvatio" , yea , and as that which was to be purchafed anew by Chri(\ as a Redeemer, by reafon of the Fall fore– feen : Yet this hinders not another Gift of it by God, and Title of us thereby "' it by an Act of Election in Chri(): as an Head, witho~t refpeCl: unto the Fall, and as it confidered primely and !imply Glory, the Glory wliich God gave Chrifi himfelf as an Head firfi , and he and his Father by that title, rtnro us as fo confidered by him, John I7· 22. A11dthe.Glory which thou g,lVef/ me, 1 havegivm them: That tbty may 6eone, evt" as wt are 011e. Things being fain, he was fain to purchafe it anew for them. B(\t as in that refped it is tearme_d Salvation; Verf. r 3· of that 2Thef. 2. Soit is alfo !tiled .the Glory of Chnfi m the next words, Verf. I 4· To the o6tainrng of the Glory oftht Lord 'JefUJ Chrifl, that is, that which Chrift had given him by an Election btjore theformdation of tbt World; John I 7• 24. which as an Head to us, he fays , he ha.d given us, Ver{. u, and is therefore in 2Thtf. 2, {liled the Glorr of Chrifl, as elfewheretht Glory andKingdom of God, whichChrifi is faid to receive us unto, Rom, Is. 7· Anfwtr 2, So as in truth the ailegation ofthis or other Scriptures' to tl1e {~me purpofe, is but to inlift, and to urge one Truth to include another , as falls out almq(\ in all Conrroverfies: For as it is a Truth that there is an Election to the End, without ccinfideration ofthe Fall, and thefe Means to that End upoti the_Fall~ fo alfo it is as great aTruth, that an Eled:ion to the End is fpecifi– ed tn Scnpture, when it no way relates unto the Fall, but is confidered apart !rom it. Thus thofe Benefits ":e are chofen unto, Ephef. i. l· where Electi'?'.': IS handled ( tanquam.i" propria Jtdt) are fuch as no way depend upon the Confiderauon of the Fall; but hold upon our Election unto <;luifi, and are given by El~dion upon grounds higher and dif\inCl: from that of his being a M i Rt•