Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of Ele8ioiJ, lation to God, of being his adopted Children as by Marriage with his Son.And ~ that latter ofour Saviour necelfarily refpelleth tin,but not the otlter;and accord- Chap. 1, ingly Eled:ion may and cloth rdpell thofe feve~al Conditions of the Etefl. ~ And a doubled Givmg to Chnll m both refpeds w1ll well tall w,and agrees with Chrifi's Pleas made to his Father on our behalf , m the 17th of John. 06jefl. 4· Another Argument againfi ~y Af!enion, urged by others, is, That Eledion being an immanent Ad WithmGod lumfelt, mull therefore be tmictu, but one tingle, compleat, and perfed Ad at once, and not dividtd into two, nor incompleat; whereas t0 fuppofe that there Js an Eledwn to the End and then unto the Mtans, and one to refpe(t man un[<•ln, but the other man'fa!ll, feems to render it imperfeCt, incompleat, not at ,once but difira– ded, (.!)c. An[w. For An[wtr , I mufi tell thofe that will urge this Argument, that take all the D ecrees in God ( which are immanent Atts in him) both the De– crees of Eledion a,nd Reprobation, and thofe of Common Providence, and there is but one Individual Ad in all of them; and yet themfelves will ac– knowledge, that the Scriptures do fet them forth to us as di{lind Ads; and that dillinguifhed byElellion to diverGties ofobjeds,they are terminated upon, and as proceeding from feveral Properties in God, fame from Juil ice, fame from Mercy: As likewife, in refpe8: of their dependance in, and ofone thing upon another, the reafon whereofis in this, thatthe Series of things arefet out to us ad noflrmn mttt!tzendt modNm; and as the tbmgs do fu it and fort and correfpond each with other: And thus they were made diflind Ads, E– leCtion from Reprobation, and both from his Decrees ot Common Provi· dence, Now Bring this General Notion of all Ads thus made dillinct, though all one in God, and the difiindion may be accounted to have been in Election itfelf, and the like in reprobation it fel f: This mmer is clear. BifhopVavt· nant, although he profelfeth to be againfi thofe infiants or feveral Moments (take them as the School affirmeth af them ) to have been in Gods Decrees , yet in the point of Reprobation himfelfholds not only a difiinllion of Ad:s; Negative, or a Non-eledion, and Pojirivt, a preordination to-Damnation, (which Two Ads all generally do confefs;)But farthermore, he doth potitively eiprefs himfelf in this manner; J{ u a far diff'ring thing ( fays he) to wiO Dilfm11t. de to puni/h ont wbtcb u Rtprobatron Pofluve, mtd 1~ot to wzil or decree to give Ekllione,~h. him Glory or the cbJrjefl Good, whtchu tht NegauveAd. The firfl ( fays he) •6.p,•73· caHnot be in God, 6ut with a refptfl unto ji11 firfl co1ljidrred a; prt£ceeding; hutthtother Aflof Non-eltf!zngtoG!ory, maybt conjidtrtdwithoutallyre. fpeflunto the {i11o[ thePtrjim~ His Reafon I omit, becaufe the thing is clear. . . And he adds; Conarning thof'e Vivintr, that tmdtr that one word cif Re- ':;;.f( ;'"' probation, do joynt!y include 6oth thoft afls of Pr.,·eledion ( tht Nrgative ;,,,;;; .~;';, afl) andPrtdamnation (tht Pojitivt) that the; could never a; .)'tt, judge a- hofcraa., Di: 1!Y_ thing urtaintr about Reprobation, Nay, he goes on further; t Th4t God ;::.~i;~;.~,:"' dtd vot wtU or decru to pulti}b, nor put forth a pojitzve a[/, rn the fir{/ or [<itim & f<l• famt mflant (tU i11 rtajon we are to apprehend •f God's Counjelt) in which f.~':i/::1;,,::_'· hu w:tt W<ZI 110t to giort(itJuch tU he pajl 6y: But tn th,e othrr rnflant, ill d•nt_mqum whteh he con(idtred them .u fmntrs. And agam, 1J God r deputatJoll or or. P"'~"' •liq•id J,;ining Men to Veath u not to 6t co1lctived,u that which wa; performed in ~;;;.,:• ;'};;~ tht Jamt Ggno rattoms (or :n~ant accordmg to reafo11) in which Gods Non- "'"'· Ibid. defliflg themwtUappomttd; 6ut in an other, after which{t~tb a New.tfefled t Ntq" >Oiulr Ptrfon, finally perjtvtring ill aflate of fin, wa; jorrjre11, mt•~'"''. . . n1lw~t .tlorificart,. (tdin ill1 alttro in quoi/lo; tiJn/idtrllvit ut Ptmttorts· n H<~C «i .m•rttm tlt;u~amno:lt ~0110pHnJ4 t{t ."t ,, e~don (lgnl rati•nU ptr#la lJIIO non·tltfUrJ Patllitur. 'I.IIUilltltCh ptrfivmnhll(i.n<!IH m !fah !tccafl pr1t'VIdttNr. p.i7S• ratloni; in qu1 l>avenant ib. p. J 74 4 Std in lllio t•fltriort Now if in the two forts of this fort ofDecrecs in Reprobation the one was and might be pafi without the conGderation of Sin, and fo of th~ Fall · the o– ~her but upon th~ forefight of it; ,yea, and performed (as he fays) in'feveral !nfiants ( ac~ordmg to re~fon ). And the manner ofour conception (accord– mg unto wh1ch the Scnptures have fet forth thefe things to us.) Then why fhould