Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

· OfEleflion. So as my AlfertJon no ways introduceth any paufe to come in betweeo the ~~ Decrees of tbe end, and the means, ro make the firll mcompleat; no nor fo Chap. 1. much as two Ads (as in God himfelf) but only a termination of one and the~ fame Ad ofhis Will, on two feveral Objeds he had at once in his view and un– derllanding according to his good pleafure. .i1n[w: 4- .I find that in an other Cafe, Divines of Note and Worrh, do ac- Sec Wai"M knowledge fuch a kind ofincompleat Ad in God, as thu I here propofe in ~;"~,:~;~~~'~ thefe Decrees. C•p. 26. . Srd q11id [r no! dimuu in DtiJ [11ifft quUtm a{ftllurn mi{tmt1i ctrtort~m hiJ_minNw, {id hunc (IJftfium imptditum fuif[e 4i_uflitia, q~am_inUJ .1qu campltti fab.t;m iif dt(1i~alt~ ,_at9ut a~to ~nur_ hNnc aOffl~Jm, & pmmptrmam ad faluttm mt(mc!rdum_: Clnifh E_ltO.zo• tionun ac proi>tdt & fawjallJoTltm lnttrvtnifft, actum dt~nt.~m torum {alutul) a[f11 ctH»pltto mttndzg~, ac_ dtntviJft, cUm d~cma. 1am mortt Cbri{ti , atqut iis Cbris1o rtdimmdiJ datis , j11:1ici.e Dti pl11u in dumo Du tft {arl,l– faa~m. To conclude, that this was the Opinion (the tendency at leall ) ofthofe Ancient Schoolmen, thus to dillinguifh thefe two Ads in Eledion, with a differing refped unto t hefe two conditions of men fallen, and unfallcn, is evident .. enough. ~here _is this evidence in General, Thal Suat-EZ fh ouJd in the Na_m_e ;;;1;~~::(!:~:~ of the rell afore h1m, pronounce that to have been the more common Op1111- m""•mfmttn- . on of his Schoolmen, that the Eledien o:· men was afore the permifiion of tiom '~"logothe Fall ; and that yet themftlves. as generally .iliould acknowledge another ;;:m~1:;;;.~tm Decree, viz. To give thtm faith, &c. Which later cloth in the nature of bomi"m P'-· the thing it felf neceffarily refped mans falle n ellare; ::f/c;ff,;;;m Particularly , Firll, As for Scottu .his draught .of Eledion , runs thus, ,;,;,.,;, pu- ,· pcrmi!Jiontm that i~ the firil infiant God Decreed Glory to a cerrain num~er of Elelt : ~~;;, •. 3 Pm. Then m the Sccond,Decreed to.g1veGraa: Then fordaw the F1/l,&c. Yea, Q_ucft.t. and in his Series of Decrees of Reprobation---Makes a refped to have dilput. •· . been had to both Ellates. ~;;;·,~~~~4'·. &Lib.3 d1fr. Reprobation is confidered fays he. i. Negatively, wherein God 0£dain- 1 9· qu~n. 7· ed not to Eled them. 2. Affirmatively, By which God Ordained alter tile permiilion ofthe Fall, to Damn rhem for Sin. .The lirft Conuderation mull be as atore the Fall ; the later doth fuppofe the Fall. And if Reprobation did refped both ihofe Ellates, then much more Ele– ledion ; becaufe Elt ltion hath ofthe iwo, the more benign and gracwus afjJeds to manifell It fclf all forts of ways to illufirate it felf by Grace, caft on both llates, the h1ghell and moll coinprehenfive, . For AquintU, he is ailedged by thofe Writers, fo; ea~h of the Opinions, ~mw f•lvan. whether ofthe pure, or corrup~ed Mafs.. Suarez•. who had ftudiod him as :;,;~:~;/;;;,_ much as any of h1s followers, C1tes h1m for th1s Oprmon; If ( fays he) what oif•m '"'~- · he delivers. be bur atte~uvely c01Ijiderrd. • And Bi fhop 'Davma11t himfelf ~~[.1:,~[:::." memuons h1m as favounng that Opmwn. Aod ahhough Aqtunas--- '""'&"" 1 Part. fl.!yfl. 2 J• art. I, ad tertittm, feemeth rather to put theTerm from vol•~"""'. which, or objedofPredellination, 011 which God fhould pitch his Predellinan- f7'~'"d' ii– ?A w be M•n confidered as fallen. Yet Suarez Interpreting him, compounds ,;,i;; r;;:,:~· It With that very Norron and drfiindion I have profecuted, AqumtU 11 (favs ex Thoma: he) jptaks of that 'Predejlination which is tmto the meags, 6y ·wh,ch ~f'~: '!; ;": men are faved, 6ut not accordi11g to Gods [ore-immt10n, or E!tftio1J unto tiom, &ex. Glory. ::..'//:::;;;,~arsua~n . .'!ib., c. 12, Sec. 8.-- • Di/Jertatio dt E/18. p. 1r$. PQtt{i ([wmdNm Tho~am) ~;~~~~dtft~"; nat1~111~ c:zdtrtqtu(II~Jtflumpucati mt(tria nond~m implicat~m. Jm?J vidttv Aquiaas mag}s inclinart inillam[tntentiam,. qu~· affmt.'pfam Rtprobatton~m dtjafl.unttct/lifft pr~vifionem oritinali,; ptccati.- Loq~it!i.r Aquinas dt Pr~atj1inationtqNo· ad Mcdra ptr qll« hommt; Jatww11r; non qNoad primam intiltiontm 1 {tH :E.ItmontmGlori;t>, Suarez; Ibid.