Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of Eletlion. ~ And as for Calvin, he is .cited for either, both for Maffacorrupta, or tb& ll o o K II. fain Mafs 1 to have been the Objetl of Prede!lination,. by Bi1hop 'Dave– ~naflt 1n exprefs words, p. 116.. out of Catvms l•flttutzons, as. alfo in his c. , 3 .s,a. 3 . Tret~ttjt of Predej/i1latzon agam!l Pzghtus; and yet that he ts cited for Predellinarion to have been afore the confideration of the ·FaU, is fo well known, •s there needs not any allegation for ir. It is the common opini– on put upon him. Now I cannot think that a man of fo great a Judgment was wavering in the Point, but that he had indeed both in his eye, and fa~· by the Scriptures, that there was in Gods Decrees, as laid forth therein, are. fpetl had unte botb. ' . CHAP.