Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of EleCJion_ 89 -------~-.--------~----------------~--------------~ ,I CHAP. Ii. A brief Draught of the Order of Chrijl'I EM/ion; and ouu; as it liu reprefented in the Scripture. l; G. 0 b was pleafed,and fo refcilved; to go to Creature Corn~ mumon. . . ll. His own Glory was alone the Supream End therein : H~ made ~11 . things for bimfelf. Prov. 16. 4· The Lord bath , . made all thi>i,s for h1mfelf; ~ea _, even the Wicked for the Day of Evil. And this was his foie Supream Motive, Rom, I I . ~5, l6. Wh~ bath firfl.givm to him; and it fha!t l>e . recompe~cetl to him agam? For if him, a11d through htm, and to htm are all thmgs: To whom be Gtory•for t· ver. .Amm. II!. The principal Glory he defigns to himfelf in Eledion, Is the Manife. !lation of the Glory of his Grace: Ephef. 1. ), 6. Having prt£deflmated us, accordmg to the good pleafure of his wi/J; to tht praije of the Glory of his Grace. iv. His Son·, the Second Perfon, who was prede!linated God.ihan ; limply conftdered in his Perfon as God-man, and abfolutely firfi deqeed : For wear~ chof'" i11 Chnf/, Ephef. 1. 4• The~e!ore he is fuppofed cbdfen firfi, as the Soil in whom we are fet and chofen : ife were prt£def/matet{ to the .AdopttOll of Sons by Je(tu Chnfl; .;, .v.a,, Verf. ) • For him andhis Glory; as ma,ny un 0 . , . derfiandit. So in 1 Pet.I.20. Whoverdywasfore-ordamed [as CHRIST] Cornp~r• •b< afore the Fou11dation of the World; b~t mmufefled (and ordained to be ma- ~"'t' "f ~he nifefied, as he is the La"!/; ~Ji1t ;)_ in !hefe la{/ dr~,JS There are two "' ' 0 ' · [befores] an~exed to thts Predefimauon: [fore J ordamed, and before the Foundanon of the world. . And he was firfi-eraainedfor thele higher ends than our Saivation is; , . For God'sown felf ro ilelight in more than ip,all Creature. he could make, tobe the Mm1 God's f ellow: Zach. i l· 7· and lfai. 42. 1. My Elect 111 whom. my So11l detight~th: I was drttiJ his deltght; in the continual thoughts of me: .A11d my delights were wzth the Sons of Men, Prov. 8. l'· We were chofen to be Cbrifi's delight, but Chrifi to be God's. 2. To behold the Image of himfelf 1n a Creature, and of all his Attributes; That life and bnghtnefs fhining therein, as could never have,appearecj in all meer Creatures; but did an him,_who. hr,ing the brightnefl of htS Father~ Glory, and thr exprefi Image of his Perjon: ( 'tis fpoken of the Perfon of Chrifi as God-man, as the riext words in t/leir current coherence lhew:) ofthis linage: See my Sermon on I Colof. i ), •6, '7· 18. . ~· By that Union with th~tMan, tocoinmuriicate ihe.God-head unto that one Creaiurc, ihe Mmz ; Thus decreed io be iffumed, in fuc~ a high; fupe•. rior way, as could no way have been 0 rberwife communicated to meer Crea;_ tures: See my faid Sermons on i Co!oj{ All which are E:nds that !land out o( his Being Mediator for us ; and are far higher ends than'tlie Glory thereof, or our Salvation accompli(hed ihereby. V.Upon,and together wltb his being predefiinated God-man, thefe falls up; on his l'erfon"' his In heritance, to be the Sovetuign End (I fay not the Su; prettme(l 1- nd; for God himfelf is above: And the end of him, as well ss of :ill things clfe: But a Sovcraign end, as in refped df ~-s, atl'd all lhings ; he N llavi'rl!i