Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of EleC!ioh. VIIT. God having thus abfolutely chofen hini, arid tllerewith endowed ~ him with the Royalty to be the Soveraign end ofall, wboin God would either Chap. :r.. defire to Create , or Eleel: to Glory; thofe whom therefore he would , or did ~ EleCl: ofus Men, were and mull be ordained, and intended in their very ordination of them in EleCl:,on, to be for his Glory as the end of their EleCl:ion, as well as Gods own Glory, was (as is acknowledged by all) the End of their EleCl:ion. We were not abfolutely ordained, (as Cbrifl in his fingular Predefliriation was in the firfl intention of it :) but from the firfl of ours, the intention of Gad concerning us was, that they Jhould be Chrifl's, and have their Glory from him, the Lord of Glory, (as I. Cor. 28. he is fliled:) The Perfon of Chrifl, God· Man, was predeflinated, for the dignity of himfelf; but we for God's Glory , and Chrifls: And though God the Father, firfl ani! alone defigned who the Perfon !hould be, as he did this, and that individual of us; yet that there !hould be an EleCl:ion of any, this was for Chrifl's fake, as Well as for the Glory of the Father : 1hi11e they wert, aud thott gavefl thtm ~!: A1ld that all Mnt( EleQ:) might ho;tour the So11, M they ho11our the Father, Jolm 5 23 .. So as God intheir Election ha~ his Son in his Eye, as God·man: And in the tntmtton of l11m as thetr End, tt was , he chafe them: And for hts fake, to be his Fe/Jows, Companio1Js, Pjal. 4)· -,..As he was Gods delight, fo that we might be his; as in Prov, 8.3 I. Rrjoyci11g in the habitable part of hu earth, mzdmydrlights were with the Som of Men, And further, in the Ad of EleCl:ion God gave them to him: For this giviAg them to him was cori– junCl: with the EleCl:ing of them: Yea, and our EleCl:ion is cxpreffed tber eby; not as Mediator only, to fave them from fin, but as Members to an Head: As a meer, and pure gift to his Perfon, for his Honour; To have fellows, and companions belong to him, who might in their Allotment, and Sphere, be partakers of a fupernatural Glor:y.with him, and from him, yea and in him: Which was his Glory, Johll I 7· 22. A11d the Glory thougaveflme I havegiv– en them: (As concurring with thy EleCl:ioriof them, at thy giving them me, to be mine:) And thou thus loving them as thou hall loved me; Verf 23. that is, both them and me with an everlafling love; yet in, and with thy loving of them, thou gavefl them to me, and for my Glory, as their End; and for which chiefly thoulovedfl them: As Ver{24.Father,l willthdt thofe whom tho11 ha(/given me, be with me, where! am; that they may behOldmyGlii– ry which thou hajlgivm mt: For thou lovedfl mr b~fore the Founddtio11 of thr World: Now he was love-:! in his EleCl:ion from everlafling, and they alfo with him, and chofen in him, and out of that love were given to him : And to what End , or out of what intention? Even to behold, and admire, and adore him, in his Perfon, and Glory; as being that very t~ing they were or– dained for, more than for their own Glory: Which he mentions not, for it arifeth from their beholding his , and was ordained for his. And what Glory is it of his? The Glory of his Perfon, firflabfolutely decreed him , which is the height of his Glory in Heaven; where it is they are .ordained to behold it: And therefore he fays, that thry may be where I am; whether he was now a going, even the highefl Heavens. And what is the main Motive to God there mentioned, thus to love them; and to give them to him in Election : --– For tho11 ha~ loved me afore the fotmdation of the World. He refolves his loving and eleCl:ing them into this; For ~c. That is , thou having chofen rile abfolutely for my own Glory, in thy firfl and primary intention; and then thou loved!! them, and gavefl them me for my fake; to that End, to behold that Glory which in Predeflination thou gavefl me; that fa all <if them might redound to th~ Glory of me, as firfl, and fingularly chofen. IX. We bemg thus chofen for Chri!ls Glory as our End, and for his fake; as well as to the Glory of Gods Grace towards us; God did ordain a double Relation of Chrifl unto u; for his Glory, additional unto that abfolutc Glory of bts Perfon. r. The Relation of an Head; wherein we were given as Mem• bers to him: As Members of the Body are to the natural Head: or as aSpoufe unto an Husband to be her Head. 2. The Relation of a Saviour, arid Redeem– er ; which is a fuperaddition to that of Bead.lhip: And both thefe for the N 2 fur·