Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

94 Of Elef1ion. ~ h~ Grace, wberein be hath made us accepted i11 the Bdoved: ln whom we ~have Rrdemptioll throttgh ~i; blood,_ theforgivnufi of /illS, dccording to the riches of hu Grace.And he IS the ObJect m whom,as a Supream SoveraignGcod to us,in whom, and beholdmg of whofe Perfon, and that Glory ot his,we fl1all for ever be made happy : This was the firft Defign in God's !mention, which comprehended us, Chri!l: an? us in mutual Relation together; fo it fhall be the la!l: in Execution, as being the greater of thefe Two; and in execution or performance alfo, the mofi lafhng, even for evermore : It will be the Ilfue the Conclufion, the Crown of all. For after the Work of Mediation forusa; F'!f thlsfee finners is fully over, and every way perfed:ed, and the Day of Judgment ~~-:·g_·~t• ended; when fins fhall finally be forgiv~n, and then for ever forgotten, as th_e and diveu oPromrfe mtended, Chnfi Will g1ve up h1s Med~atory Kmgdom and Glory toh 1s therL Father: And then that Regmtm Antemu11danum, that Kingdom afore, and ~bfirad:ed from the Confideration of this World, or what we were, or .Chrift as R.edeemer for us therein, !hall for ever predominantly take place; when God, in the Father, Son, and Spirit !hall be all in all to him as God man, is well as us:_ l~nd when C hrifl. the Son, having la_id down only the Oeconomy of his Medtatton, a! a Redeemer, !hall yet m h1s .Perfon , as he !hall appear with the fulnefs of the God-head dwellmg Bodily m lum, and the brightnefs of the Glory of God !hining in the Human Na:ure, which )1e can never lay down, or divefi himfelf of, !hall be as he is, and was confiituted, an Head, an Husband unto us; and we, chofen as Fellows and Companions with him, be the Objelt and Efficient of our Happinefs for ever, by our beholding that his Glory; according to that of John •7· 24, ( I opened;) Father, I wiOthat they r•lfo whom thou haft givm me, /;e with mt where I "am; that they may hholdmy glory which thou haft given me: for thou lovedjl me before the Foundation of the World. And after the Day ofJudgment ended,it is where– of the Apo!tle fpeaks, when he fays, We jhall/;e ever with the Lord,, 1hejJ. 4· 1 7· .I CHAP.