Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

OfEleEJion. 95- ~' Chap. )· ~ C H A P. HI That the Supream, and utmost End, or Termination of EleEJion ( as it rejpeEJr ur) ir Godr choojing m to himfelf, and to a Jupernatural Vnion with. himfelf, and Communication of himfelf. Proved from thefe words> I C 0 R. VIII. 6. And we in bini. WE feen the Mutability ofour fir!l E!late by Creation ; the infi. nite.-diflance of the Crearure lrom God, the High and Loft)' One., the neceffity ofSupercreation Grace, if any either ot Men, or An· gels be fixed immurably unto Him, which God was plcafed fl10~!d be by rm EtdJi01t ~G1·ace of fome. The next is, . That God, (who w.u at this dif/mtce from M 44 Creatttres, &c.) did6y that EteClio11 alfo OrdaitJ thofe whom he jo ji11gled forth, ttnlo a Supn·. creation Vnion with himfelf, mtd Communicatwn ofhtmjetj; M tht htgbe(f mldtlfmo(f E nd, (M towhatconctrned.u) He EteCled thrm tsnto: S" izs the he~~ht and top of ot<r Salvatio1l i4 colljilmmated, and that Vuio11 wrth himfelf, whtch is far above that Onmrjs Wt had by the L aw, or "Dues of our Creatio"' To fotllld thi& AJJertion, oir tht Words, 1. Obferve the difference he puts between this [Vs) as a fpecial parcel of his Creation from the [ a/J thmgs] Wt, and A/Jother things are from Him, if Hrm, or by his Pow~r, as the efficient Caufe : This is common to tu, and A/Jas his Creatures. But We, he fpeaks ofas a company or parcel, fevered, and fet a part to fome higher Excellency and Dignity ; and this fpecial fcpara·, tion of .u from a/Jthings, is twice faid, One Lord, &c. a11d we b)•h1m; We are [in Htm] that is, tal<en into Himfelf, out of a fpeciallov,e, and by a fpe– cinl Union with Him. The word '"""11•, fignifies both In Hrm; and fade– noting this Union : And fo Interpreters , ( being to give but fome one figni– fication) generally choofe to render it. Yet withal, it fignilies [to Htm1 as" denoting our appropriation to Him peculiarly : A being ofU Sin the moft eminent and ltngular manner, a peculiar people a11d treajil1'e to him, as him– !Cifoften. fpeaks, It alfo imports, Our being fingled fo rth for Hu highefl Glo– ry : '" .Z,.I,, [For Him] That whereas all things are for his Glory as well as We ; yet, they not fo For Him as we; And therefore to be for Him, is here in: the Text fet over ot~r heads, not theirs : As if we had that lot alone; Not they; becaufe we are Ordained fo to be for Him, and in fuch a tingular way and manner, as a/J thi11gs are not : Nor doth all the Glory that arifeth out of them, to Him; rife uptoanycoQfiderablenefsin comparifon <>fwhatt!Jall, and. doth, out ofm; and l?ecially; out ofthis our Union with Him: Our bting m Him, is the great foundation- ofour beingfor Him. . .And