Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

.-96 Of Eleflion, --------------------------~------------------------------- ~ And for the further illufiration and confirmation of this Interpretation I llo OK 11. have recourfe to a parallel Scripture to this, Ephrj: 4- 5, and 6. [One Lo:d] ~One God, !Jnd Fathtr of a!J, who u abovr a/J, and through all, a1Jd[IN 1 OV ALL.] Obferve the difference of the Phrafcs ufed about [all thi11gs] there, and of [Us] 1. Of a/J thzngs, 'tis faid, He isabowaU: Whereby I underfiand che Sublimity, and Tranfcendency ofhis Divine Na· cure and E!fence, as being of an higher differing l;ind, infinitely above that it· ing, which all Creatures have by participation from Him, and is all one with t hat which in tl1e Prophet Ifaiab, God fpeaks of himfelf (when he fpeaks of Union with his Creatures, of whiclt by and by) He is tbat H1gb and Lofty Ont: Soinhis Nature, yetfoas, 2ly. He (though divers from the Crea– tures, yet) is ne3t to, and pierctng througb a/J Creatures, and fillmg them. He is prefent wich them all, yet holding a difiinct different betng from all, He is thro11gh all, exclud~d by none, as the Air is not out of our dwellings. So firfi as hi• being, is oo part oftheir being, nor mingled with them; But a– bove t~fl, glorious Excellency and perfection. And then through aU,m refpeCl: ofimmcnlity ot Betng. But thefe two arc fpoken 1n common, as m relaciori to all Creatures, and common alfo to Us. But jly. He turns his fpeech co the S1ints, and adds, IN 10 V A L L : There's your difference put by Grace from them all. Inyou, that are Saints; Oh an infinite difference and Grace! He that is thus that Hzgh and Loft; One, tar above aU, and in acom– mon way prefent to ,,u his Croation, and cannot be otherwifc; He is over and abovr.allthis. [i11youaU] and in you alone: V111ttdtoyott, andone with ;•o11,_in a fpeci al manner, and upon a fpecial Relation. He, the High a11d Lojt)•011e, whofe Being flands ottt from aU thf Works of his hmzds, m trrmf; cmdtng the Sctt!t of their Eutzty : luha6itin.~ Eternit.;-, long afore there were any CreaturtS made, and as then dwelling in, and pofTe/llng himfelf, with an Allfuflicienc bleffcdnefs ; and Hr, who now he bath made them, is flill t~6ove them all, as an Immenfc Supream Being can be fuppofed to be above what bis hands made : As he fpeaks in Ifm ah, and wirhal, f/Jmg aU. HM– vm i; my Thr01~e, a11dthe Eart h m;footflooJ, faith God there: And is tbrough Paut expreiferh it here. Yet Jl)'. This H1gh and Lofty 011e, affected afpecw!Vnio"with fome, and he mentions that Su6!imzty of his own Divine Being, as he doth hi,Omm• prefe;;ce with, and through all Creatures, here, to lhew, and enhaunce great condefcention of his Grace and Favour, to be that he is inyou, and dwe/Js m JOlt, that IS, to be United to you above all the Refi. That 'us but aComm011 prefmce vouchfafed to aU thi11gs, [Hr is throttgh them aU ]: But an i11dwe!– li11g in us, with a Communication and Participation of Himfdt: Oh Infinite Grace ! This is the height ofour Privilede and Happinefs. And the height of the Grace and favour of this,in both refpects, God himfelf cloth fet out and magnifie unto us,in that Prophet Jj,tiah,Chap.p.IS.compared with l (mah 66. •· 2. For thus .ft~ith the hzgh m1dJoj~' 011r that i11ha6iteth Etemtty, whofe Name is Holy, I dwe/J i11 the hzgh t111d holyplace: with him t~l(o that is ofa co11trite and hu,.,hJe fpirit, to revive the fpirit of the hum· 6/r, tmd to revive the hrart of the co111ritr Ollts. ThiiS faith the Lord, thf HMVC11 i; my Thro11e, and the Earth is my Footfloo!: where is the houfe thilt .r• 6uild tmto me 1 a11d where is the place of my refl? For aU tbofe thit~gs hath mine hmtd made, m1d a!! thoj"e thi11gs have 6rm, faith the Lord, 611tto this mall wiU I look. we11 to h1m that is poor find of a conlrzte {pirit, a11d trembleth at m;• word. But I de fer that Scripture unto an V{t ofMagnifying the Grace ofGod, in Ordaining fuch an Union. That fuch V11io11 with God, and Communication ofGol , is the height of, and his ultimate delign towards Us,in his chooling ofU~. That one comprehenfive txpreffio" (we fo often meet withal) is bigg with: [That hechojeVs for him(df) as Pfa!. q 5· 4· Jab. hathchofw Jacob for hn11{e!j: A.,d Rom. g. 4· I h,nH rt("ervrd {tvm thoufa~td to my (elf : Which Ver{e ;th. the Apo!lle Interprets to be ( in the cafe of others he fpeaks of) au E!ef!ion of Gracrz Al(o l[aiah··43th. Vnfo 2oth. UW"y P'h,'', Ulfy Chofm, and Verf. 21th. immediately follows , ThiS prople avl