Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

_Of Eleflion. . . lformedfor my fel{ All which, to be meant ot Election, I have at large~_ elfewhcre !hewn. Now, Chap. 3· Thus to choofe us for Hitnfelf, is not only to fer us aj?arr to be apeculiar~ t>·eufur< ofprecioru Goods , as among Men, efpecially Kings, above all other rhings, '':h•r they love and deh~ht m, they ufe to hoard up, referve and keep in !lore for themfelves, As Ecclej. 2 . 8. Solomo11 ( who had pow<r and opportunity above all men <He, to do it) fays, fu t,atheredgold andjilver, :'nd t bepecttliar treajure of K111g_s, confiH1~g o f·all Ions of Rartttes and precwus things, brought from all (otmtnes and Provmces, (as 1t follows there) which they accordingly value, And thus in Exod. 19. ) . fays God of us, Thou fbalt be for tl prwlwr treajure tmto Mr. AndPfaJ. I 34· 4• Hr bath choJrn Jacob for himjet{, is explained, tllldlfraelfor his prculiartreajt1re.. Nor is it only, That God bath feparated them for h1s pecuhar Worllup, and Service, To /;e holytm/o h1m, confecrared, feparated forever toglorifie him; as Jer.z.. 3· IJYaelwtJs boli1ujs umo tbt Lord, andthefirfljrustsofhis in– crrafe. Nor fpeaks he it only, that he bath ~hofen them to lhew forth his praife ;as_ in that, ljalah43· 21. wetned. It follows, Theyfballjhewforth myprazfr. For in that fenfe, The Lord bath made a/J thmgs for htm[e/j,yta, rven th( w icked for the day of evil, Prov. I6. 4• This his End, is common unto all things; yea, even to the w1cked, who are yet otherw1fe loft umo God; and thofe whom be remembers 110 mort. But thi• ofOurs,is in a contrary way pe· culiarly for htmje!f; and fo as his Glory on Us, is wholly in a way ofGrace and l<indnefs. You may therefore Obferve 1t 10 Epht{. '· ) , and6. That unto his Predejlitwting llS [to himfe!f] Verf 'i• is added Vtrje 6. to the praifeof the Glory ofhis Grace. Now put them two together. I. He bath chofen us to htmjttj; 2. For the prai(t of the Glory of hh Grace; and they fpeak a fpecial Commwucntion of his very felf unto us ina way of Grace, in_ pure and tneer love and kmdnefs, as whence that Glory ofh1s Grace lhould anfe. Now if it be tl10s, T hat it is a Communication of him(elf in a way of Grace, Then, . · r. 'this prorriifcth Fiiel, T hat all tliat which G~ace i:an do for ill, i~ Com– municating God himfelfto ru,and That a/J that hew1ll do for m, for his Glory; and the Magnification thereof, and is to arife from out of what favours he !hall ihcw tiS, and no otherwife ; He !halt have no more Glory itJ us, and on us, than accrues out of what he bellows and lays fotth ln Grace upon lis: So thac our happint>JS •• the effect, will extend as far as his own Glory as the End. ft fj:leaks, That his Glory on w, lhall not be fevered in any thing, from our good. As in that otl_!er, it being faid, th,lt a/J thi11gs, and the wickfd arrfor him{tlf, it is. But here, that his Glory, which is to behad out ofus, and likewife_our happinefs, doth both run along complicated, twiO.ed, interwoven together, as threads in one Woof, and are ofltke extent, whereof his Glory is the glofs, and our Bleffednefs,thc Ground-work orO.uff.And therefore,ifhe de fignto have· a Glory to the utmofi, then he willlhew favours to the utmoO., and Grace will be fure ofall others, to glorlfie it felfto the utmofi, and iri the utn'lofi Way the Creatures are capable ot, remaining meer Creatures, 2. Yea, Secondly, In that [for Hzm[elj] is put iri, and aimexed to [ Thl Gloryofbu Gract] itmanife!lly lhews, that Graceisfolargchearted, as it gives All, even [to Him{elfJ (as we fay ) It is not to fh·ew Grace orily in all forts_ofgracious effects, and in heaping favour.uj?on favour, as a Kingdoth up– on Ius Favounte : Bot thts is toCommumcatt to us Him[elf, to the uln'lofl, and in the utmoO. way that meer Creatures; (for ChriO. alwaies muO. be excepted} are cnpacttated for. 3· Thirdly, It is the Communication·of the whole'<lfHimfelf; whether of his Vivi1ze pet/rr!io1lS, .fo far as to Blefs us therewith, or likewife ofall the' Three Perfons, Father, Son, t111d Holy Ghofl. ( Fotthefe, (namely, Ptr(ims, and Attributrs) are all that ate in himfelf, and are himfelf; o' which he' hath in and for himfe!f, to enjoy and be happy iri ). And all in God; ilia!f as' truly fcrve to make BlelTed, according to-<! Cre~tures capacity, as itferves to make hitnie!f Blelfed, in his own imrnenfe Sphere of Blelfedriefs, ifthmt · 0 halt