Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

98__~-~~~~---~o~r~E~k~az~·on~-~-=-------~ ha!\ i)!mfelf, and the whole of lumfelf. Thou lhalt be Heir of God, Rom. 8. BooK II. 1 7· for thou ibalt be a joyHt-heir with Chn/1; and it is All in God, is Chrifl's ~ Inheritance, 'l'jal. 16, )• Tbe Lord is the portio11 ffj' mi11e Inheritance and of "'Y C11p: Thou '"''mtamefl my lot. And thou can{\ not have more: f~r. as Rev. 21. 7. He thtlt overcor.•flh, fhalt inherit all things; and 1 will be h 11 God, a11d he jiJtziJ be my Son, God himfelf hath but AIJ things for himfelf· nnd thou 1l1alt have himfelf; and what canfi thou have more? ' 4• Fourthly, He referves htmjelj lor thee, and all that is him, as the Text Rom. 9 4· fpeaks of his Elect, That he bath referved them for himfelf: So he bath referved himfrlf for them, and all of himfclf wholly for them. Is God your Inheritance? (as afore:) Then, none lhall fbare therein but the de. figned Heirs; the Ref/ have Portions. Is it God that is your Inheritance? It is Hr, then, that is faid to be referved in Heaven for you, 1 Pet. I. 4· There he waits (as it were) for you, and that until you !hall come, and lets the Crowd, _the great Ones in all Ages pafs, as they pafs afore him all along, re– fervmg h1mfelf (as 10 ElectiOn he d1d defign) for you : As 1f a great Prince in aDream or Vifton, lbould fee the Idea of one not yet born, and lhould fali in love fo with the Image of her, that he referves himfelf tilllhe is born and grown up, and will not think nor entertain any other Loves. )• Filthly, When he hath brought thee through all Difafiers to Heaven. Then, even then, to lhew, that his firfi and ultimate and eminent deftgn in E: lecting of thee, was for bJmjel[, in that fpecial Senfe I have lingled forth. Lo ! your firll: entertainment or welcom thither, will be, A prrfonting yotl to him– {elf: (0wonderful! We have need, that an Angel tell us, as he did John, up0n the Lamb'.sMarriage, Rev. I 9· 9· That thefe are tbe true fayings of God; follow of heart, and dull, through Unbehef, are wr:) But you have it exprofs and full to the fame purpofe, which now I have held forth , in Jude, Tier(. 24. Now t<nlo him that i& tlb/e to keep yott from f"lling, cmd to prefent you faultlefl btfore thr Trrjettce of bi1 Glory, with excetdi•tg Joy, f§c. He fpeaks this as of what Ood means to do ; and thofe he wrote to, being yet a– live on Earth; he therefore brings it in, and prefents it to their Faith in a way of exhorting rhem to Praife, and give Glory to him aforehand, upon the ac-· count, T hat Hns able to do it, (as his Doxology runs) yet fo, as withal. it more !lronglv imports, He wilt Cf'tainly do it. And who is it that will do this ? What? Is rt fpoken of Chrifi his prefenting you to his Father? No, not here in this place: Or is it Chrifl his prejtnti11g ) 'Ott to himfelf, as being your de!Jgned Husband? No, neither; (although you 01all fee that by and by, faid of lum roo,) But it is the great God, the Father himfelf; for it is the Tre– Jena of him, thr Fathers Glory, which we areprefented afore; and you fee withal , rhar it is the fame Perfon that prefents us to himfclf, whofe Prefence it is afore which we are prefented, [afore his own Trtjenaof Glory. ] So that 'tis he whofe Glory it is. And again, it follows, Verj. 2). To tht only wtjr God otlr S,Jviottr, 6e Glory and Mtjef/y, 'Dominion and Powtr, 1/0W and e· ver, AmtiJ. All which Attributes are the Attributes of the great God the Fa– ther, in the ufual current of Doxologies; and yet you may take in both Fa– ther, Son, and Holy Ghofi, con!Jdered unitedly in that OMAct of prefenting us, as they are One God, though three in Perfon, who will thus prefeot you to themfelves,or himfelf,as One God; fo as it fball be one joynt Act of them all, and yet as One God: And that of [o11r Saviour J is no Objection; for it is faid of themAll Three, That they fave tu. lt is added in that place, With excredi11gjoy: It is at our very firll: coming to Heaven this is fpoken of. And fpoken, that as we on our part, lhall Re– joyce (as you will all f•y, we lhall have reafon) fo God on his part too; He is pleafed to prefent us with great Joy to himfel(, as making our Salvation his own Concern, more th>n iris ours: And thot it is fpokcn of his Joy, doth that word lbew, That it is a Trtfenting us to himfelf afore the Prefcnce of his own Glory : And 01ews, that he efieems it to be Matter of .7oy to bimfelf, to have us fo wit,h himfelf: And though exprelfed of him but after the mmmer nf' mm, that are over-joyed when their Children come home to them; yet ful!iciently fignifies that his Heart works with Joy in the doing it; as of the Fa-