Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of Ele/Jion. 10 I the Son of God,' whofe origin_al right !t wa~ to fay, I in ,;y Fath•r, andmy ~ Fath•r ; 11 m•: Twas that Umon of htm wtth the Soa, who had this Uaion Chap. ~· with the Father, gave him right to all thofe other Priviledges he bath : This ~ cntred him Fellow with the Trinity; the M"", God's fellow as in Zachary 1 ~· 7· and this Union alone gave him right to hav' ltfe in him{eif; and made all the Royalties of the Son of God naturally to flow in upon him as his due: Infomuch as our Divines have faid , that there is no other Grace !hewn to bim, but this Gratia u_nionu, the_Grac~ ofUnion; for that Union drew along all elfe with it, as of n~ht ~nd by mhemance: But yet, to us, all our pri· viledges, and Commumcauons that follow, are as perfed: Grace to us, as our Union at firfi, Yet frill, they are all founded on the Grace of anV11iotJ,from whence Communion flows; and look, that as Union with God was the height and top Grace vouch fafcd Chrifi , and the end of his Predefiination , (o that of ours is of all the Grace communicated to us. l CHAP,