Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

ten ~ BooK 11. urrv. OfElelJion. CHAP. IV. That our 'Vnion with God the Father, an_dChrift , is the Htmofl: End uf our EleEiion , further proved, in an Interpretation of fevera/ Paffages ofChri#'s Prayer, in the Seventeenth Chapter of John. J 0 H N XVlL fromVerfo zo. to the end. Neither pray I for thefe alone, but for them alfo which jhall believe on me through their word: That they all 1ltay be One, ao thou Father art i11me, and I ill thee; that they alfo may be One ill Vs : That the World may believethat thou haft fe11t me. And the G(o1y which thou gaveflme, I have given them, that ihey may be One even ao we are One. I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfeCl ill One, a?Zd that theWorld may kJzow, that thou haft fent me ; and haft loved them ao thou haft loved me. ·Father, I will, that they alfo whom thou haft given me, be with me where I am, that they may behold my Glory which thou haft given me : For thou lovedft me before the foundation ofthe World. 0 Righteous Father! the World bath not ~now11 thee, but I have kztOWlt thee; and thefe have ~nowll that thou haft font me~ And I have declared unto them ihJ Name, a?Zd will declare it ; that the love wherewith thou haft loved me, may be ill them, and I ill them. The Affertion was, T HAT God, in and at hu EleE!ing, didordaintheBcdycfhis Eletl to a Super-creation Vnion with himftlf, mid Communi– catioll of himftlf, tH the highe(l and utmof/ E11d, he (as to what ccnetrfls tu) chofe m tmto, above the Law or 'Dues of cur Creati011; andfo iJ4 the height and top of otw Sal'vation u confummated i11 that Vnion, which i4 far above that Law or 'Dues which i4 hJ the Law of cur Creation. . !repeat the Alfertion, becaufe now I am to prove it, and every part of it_; which Ifhall endeavour by thefe four or five followmg Deduthons out of th•s Prayer. 1 , TheSubjed:of his Prayer, His whole C/mrch, The Sub;eet of this Prayer, or Perfons prayed for, in this part of it,are his whole Churchof his EleCt, to the End of the World: And the aim of hi& Prayer orthing prayed for by him, inVer{.' 21. is, That they All (that is, all and ~very ont of them) may be One. He had prayed for himfelf to Verf.6. For his Apo1Ues then prefent, from thence to this 2oth Verft: But here,for his wholt