Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of EleClion. Spee ch. Upan wh1ch Vcrfe; our own Judicious Cartwrzghl, upon V~rf,., 1.~ where this Umon 1s firll fpoltcn of, propounds this Qyefhon, What Umon it IS Cb•p. 4· _, that's meant· whether thal whereby they are One among themfetves, or that~ With Chnfl, 'and wJth God, orrather Wtth all theft ... And anfwers' Omnin~ ctlm Omw6w; Allvgerha rmd upo11 all accou11ts, lt u ottr Vnio1l with all thefe. And 1hat , 1h.1t ol our Umon wnh Iumfeif, and hiS Father, !s ch~tfl v intended by Chnfl, IllS !leafon fhews, vtz, That thiS part of Chnf\ s Pta) er is but herein confonant unto that he. ha~ fo much impreft upon them in his Sermo11 to them tmmed1ateiy alore, tn Chap, t'j. Verf. 4d, iO. Abtde inme, mid I i11 you: As the Branch camrot 6Mr fruit of it fdf, except it a6idt in the Vi11t, no more can Je except ye alndt in me. Verf. )• I am the Vi~tt, ye are the He that ab)dtth in me, and I ill him, tht Jimu 6nngeth forth much frutt. Verf. Io.. lf ye keep my (ommandments,ye fh.~!J abidtht my love; _ev~" M I haVf! kept my Fat.hers ~ommandments, a1td aJ,ide in hu love. Which ts all one, as to fay, Umon with himfeif; and fo, what he had fo much urged upon them in hiS Scrmoo to themfeives; he now puts into a Prayer to his Father for them, . Aad even thofe that are for that Un1on of the Satnts amongft themfelves ; as the primary inrendmenr; yet are forced to take in that Iatter Union with God and Chrifl, as that which is the fundamental. Caufe of the Saints Union among!\ rhemidvrs ; as in whom, they being o1u firfl, do become one with one another. And fo the Qyeflion wiH rcfl in C: .is, Whether the Union of the Saints, f!fc. be firfl and directiy intended by Chrifl ; and that of our Union with God and Chrifl be but fuppofed, as the c,ufe thereof, though not expreOy held forth in the words: Or, th.-tt prmurdy ~nd dtrtCfly, our immediate Union widi God and Chrifl be meant, and that other Union be fuppofed, but as the con· fequcnt thereof~ and fo, , but fccondarily and implyed, as that which doth and muft neceffariiy toUow upon t hat Umon firft had Wtth God and Chrrft 1 and fo in rhe,.firfl place prayed Ior here by Chrif\, ' Our Mr. Hooker of N. E. who hath wrote Sermons upon i.hefe Verfes,from Verfe tile 2oth to the end, .(which are 10 print:) He doth plainiy and direCl:Iy caf\ the lntcrpretat ionfolely upon the Saints immediate Union with God and Chrifl, and fa ys, Tbat though the other follows thermpon, yet u not here o– therwt(e rh.m feco1Jd,trily Httmded; 6m that that immedtatt Vnio11 with Gud and Chrift, u alone the printary a~d dire/1 intrndmmt which Chrifl's .Pray·er and'Petitimt fa!Js upo11. He makes an Apoiogy, why he fo dilfents aod diverts from the Common Opinion: I profels, 11pon the Conltderation of aU, to make none for this Dif· fcnt, but fhaH give my Reafons inflead thereof. Arid the Reafons are, I. That theft words, As thouFt.tEn· art in fflf, and i in thee, that thej a!Jo m,!Y6t One in Vt, arc a manifeft Expiication of what manner of Union" he intended, when firft he had fa id, That they allma16e bne. In which firft words, he fums up firft in Generai, the pith of his Petition; but then expiains it by this; That they may be Ont i11 Ut. And again indigitates it, Verf 2J: I i11them, and.thou in mej that they may be perjdf in 011e; and fo piainly tfrminates or iffues upon t he Father and the S~n, and our being in thein: And herein he (peaks what Union he meant, as piain a.1piain tari be. The other Interpreters divert this, by making the intent of him'in his men~ tion of the Father's Union in the Son, and the Son's in the Father, to be, To' hoid fort lt by ''"Y of Example, whai the Union of the Saints amongfi them· fei ves lhotild be; even after that manner of nearnefs of Union, as that where• by the Father is in the Son, and e contra. · But this In ·erpretation fo appiyed to the Saints Union among t!iemfdves ; doth de.flroy it !eif; and I ~rifer from thatvery thing, That the Union he iri· tended il fucti as bears a Siniiiitude of that Union, in refpeet of th'cir being· One in the other; and fo'forrif uf> a