Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

108 Of EleBion, -----------------------~--------~------------- ~ him, that of all the rather had given him afore he came from Heaven, he ~ fhould be fure not toca(i off, nor lofe any he had rhus before given him· and if alore came down, then from whence mu(l that aCl: commence, but irom cverlafiing? when it was, that that Grace was given in Chri{\; as, 2Tun. •• 9· And truly, in Verf 24. thatClaufe, Thofewhomthouhajlgivmme,cannot well otherwife be underfiood. Father, J wJ!I, thtZt they t~ljo whom thou hafl givw me, be wtth me where lam, that theymt~y beholdmy Glory wht·chthoM bajl givell me: For thou lovedfl me hfore thefozmdattoll of the World. for the Glory given to Chri(i [h,zfl gtvtn me] is apparently faid to be from ever· lafting, as the R.eafon and Explicati?n given of it lhews, For tbo" lovedjl me afore, ~c. And th_erdore, tf the gtvtng me thofe thou hafi given, b~ fuiubly under(iood, then tt IS, That thou ha(i gtven me thofe from everla(img alfo; which is fo to be interpreted,becaufe he had faid in the words jufi afore, Thou haft loved them as thou ha(i loved me; and fo, amongfr other likenelfes Iron) everlafring, as thou haft loved me. Beitdes, there he prays for his whole Church to come; and how i! it that they had been given him ? And that was not at Calling; tor many of them were yet uncalled; and therefore given i~ mufl: be in God's evorlafiing ~cree. Titis Argument the words of Ver(:2, do manifefi; As thou haft given him power over all flefh, that he fhotlld give elertwl life, To a< many .u thouhafl given : This [.um,my] areas many as he had amongfr all tlefh of Mankind in all Ages, and of all and every one of ihemmany, he fays they had been given him by his father, which was before they were many of them, yea mofl: of them, borg, in all Ages to come: for they are alt that many whom he died for and prayed for accordingly. Which is firengthned by Vtrfe 20, Neither pray I for thefe alone, 6nt for them alfo which (half 6elieve on me throtlghtheir w ord: which is a doing to the end of the World. Yet of all thefe he.fpeaks in that 2d, That they had hm givm him : Then when lie prayed for this prayer, yea, and long afore, The Second, (or, in order, the fifth and lafl:) additional in the Alfertion was, That this Union was the highefl: the Creature was capable of, next unta Chrifi's, and a Super-creation Union, above the Dues or Rewards by Creati– on. This, though I mention, yet I need not much inrifl: upon the proof, I might fay no more, but that this our Union is brought in wholly by Chrifr, as the Head of his Church, and here pleaded for us upon his tranfcending lmerefi, on the highefr accounts that that lnterefr will afford, ( hhich is wholly Super· natural) And how high that will reach, our thoughts cannot rife up to appre– hend. Sure I am, that look how far, Chrifl: the Lord from Heaven, exceeds the firft AdtZm, a Man on Earth, earthy; or that the Elevation ofa Man, who is aquickning Spirit, fuper-excels the low and inferiour fl:ate ofa living Sot~!; and the Unions with God, which each of thefe were the Subjects of, and Con– veyors of the like with them proportionate to us, (bein~ compared together) will be found more or lefs excellmg; fo far wtll thll Umon conveyed by Clmfi, alfo excel; and the one be but Natural, by Creation dues, and the other Su– pernatural, as the Comparifon of the twoAdflms, infl:ituted by the Apofile • 1 Cor. 1 5. teacheth us to make the efrimate. But, becaufe I confine my felf to this Prayer, that one Palfage m Ver f. 22, IS over-abundantly fuffic1ent to prove this· And the glory which thou hajl given me, I ha'Vt givm them; that they ,;,ay 6e 011e, evma< we are One. Thi~ is ChriO's Glor_y in himfelf, by perfonal Union, commumcated to us by a parttctpatton from htm, even as Chrifi's Glory was from his Fathers Glory immediately, as his Son by Eternal Generation, and to the Man Jefus, or God·man, by perfonal Union: This is 3 Genealogy or Defcent from an higher fountain or Rife than Adam's Union was and more fixed, But this Branch will, and may appear and rife up aform us ~ut of almofr every thing I can fpeak about this Union : And when I co;ne to fpeak of the height of this Union it felf, it will every way be jufit· fied to the Children of Union; and unto that l O>all refer it, That