Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of ,J;Jeflion. 1 09 ! hat it wos a to'p Union, Suplt<-•(enrion, f!lc. ~ 1. See Hooktr of Comparifon wit!\ Allam: See Cartwright on either,Verj. ~ 11. of 'Jahn 17· or Vdf; 21. and 22. · 1 . ' Chrift's Glorygivenove~ Adam's hea-d1 as V~rf. 2t:. John '1· A3am never had the honour to have given that; 'tis proper to Chnft, and had it giver! ~fure the World. '• 3 , 'Tis the urmoft hepraye? for, a:~d fo:1 Corol,a.ry:f•oml that He:~d, bthat 'tis the gyeat thmg Ch•nft prays for, J u~argued, tw.a9 the greatefr could be ptayr!CI tor. Sec:C,•twttght':r Hhrrmmy, tlurd jmt, on. John '7· p. F'• 1;it..' , o•l . Vfe. Learn then'froin Chri(\1, what' thinl') of all other to pray for, and to m~k~ tHe moft endeare'd OqJed:bfour Delires. There was an o1u rhingof D:r– vids·delires, P{at. 1'!- 7· Onetbi-llghrtvt I dejired of the Lord, that wiO 1 je>.-k after. And what•_,\l:is !ha! 1 H~' ~ak's':~taordirig to his eleva~i0h un!!ler the Old fe!l'artient, fljJi fmrlj dwtfl'iftlth1 e Houfe of Ihe Lord a# tht days ofmy Lift, to behold thebeauty of the Lord. And this indeed is near unto wha·t Chrift here under the New, (and 'IJJvld's is fpoken in the Type ol his:) And this of Chrifts is, that God the Father may dwell in you, aod that Chrift,God the Son, may be in you , as the Father is in him, and make your hearts his Temple, wherein he lhews and utters all his Glory: That you may be one with the m here , That Chrift may dwell in you, and you in him; and there– by you will come to behold the beauty of the Lord indeed; th,zt they ma1 be– holdmy Gtor1, faith Chrift, Ver{: 24. It is to have fetlowfbip with the Fa– ther, and with tbt Son, as the Apoftle Joh11 fpeaks: Paul that was a man that came neareft to Chrift of any other (Follow me"' I follow Chrif/) what was the great and lirft purfuit of his Soul? in Phtlip. l· where in fome halfa dozen Verfes he fets out the fpiritual Exercifes and purfuances of his Soul: (I ufe to call themPaul.s Afcertions: And there the lirft and main great one is this, Ver(. 9· That I may wi11 Chrif/, and 6t found;, him; that is, united to him : That is the grand point of his Delires. You pray for redemption and forgivenefs of fins, \!le. and you do well, for ye llave needon't:And to !inners, when they are heavy laden and burdncd with their iins , it is that which is firft objed:ed and laid before them by the Spirit in the Word:But yet let me tell you, there is a thing behind that is more remote and further off, and hidden to our thoughts at tirft, and that i< Union with Chrzfl and God, which in the utmoft enjo)ment of it will take place in the other World, when fin lhall be forgotten, and remembred no more; yea, and which is a bleffing ofbleffings, that wemight h<w!!-been made perfed: in, though we had never finned; yea, which is beyond Heaven and Glory it felf, abftraelly confidered as it is ours, which is beyond our beholding,the Glory of Chrift in Heaven; for it is that which is accomplilhed in us by that beholding. And my Brethren, a true genuino Spiritual Qefire carrying out the heart unto a Union with God the Father and the Son , this proceeds from pure love; from a love to the things and perfons themfelves the Soul would be united to: Love is always joyned with a defire of Union: And fo much the more purely that Love is carried to deftre an Union with things lovely, fo much greater is that love. I add this, what though your heartS have not been fo intenfly and diredly carried out to feek this for your felves, as the top and crown Objcd: of your Defires, yet be not difcouraged, the Apol\les themfelves had it not thus in their thoughts, when Chrift prayed for this for them : Their Faith and their Spirits had been little carried forth to, and exercifed about this U– nion: Have I bew fo lo11g time with J'OU. and 6elievefl thou 11ot that I am i11 the Father, tmd tbt Fathtr in mt1 John '4· 9, ro. But in that day they fhoretd k110w; namely, when the Holy Ghofi came upon them, that I am;,. my_Father,_ a11d JOU in me, and I inyot~,Ver(.2o. ofthat 14th Chapur. And here m thts hiS Proyer I obferve, that he mentions them but fo far as they had then gone; and alas! it was but a little fiep: As they bave known that tbor~ ha(/ fent me; and they hlitved in mt, Vrrf 8. And again, at )aft, Verf. 25. Thefe have knowJl that thou hafl fmt mt: But they yet knew not their