Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

110 Of EleElion. ------------------~ ~theirSpiritual Union with Cbri!t, which therefore he prays for. And again, BooK 11. at the z6th Vrrf~, be faith, I have decttJrtdullto them thy Name, (and that ~ by an inward manife!tation of many things I h~ve taught them outwardly, concerning thy Name, and Love, and the way of Salvation by me ;. But yet they were defedive in great and magy things ) therein flill, and needed new declarations of new and further things unto them : And therefore he adds thofe words, and I wilt dtcltJrt it: Ye know how fhort they were in know– ledge; Tt 6rtirw inGod; betirvt alfo in me: Httherto ye htJvt ~t&hd no– thing inmy Name. And therefore it may much rather ~e fuppofed that they needed <5od's revealing to them inwardly and fenftbly, their Union with him; and therefore he prays for it again in the very next words, and ooncludes therewith: They little <lream't at this time of his praying of this fo high a My– fiery, the fenfe thereof was referved till after his being glorifi<d: Our Union is bid with God in Cbrifl, as our Life alfo is : And our growth in Grace lyeth in higher Advances of Spiritual Knowledge; and Imprell'ions of Heart affed– ing us, running along with accordingly upon what is frill more and mote Spi– ritual. CHAP.