Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

11 2 Of fileC!ion. ~ The fecond thing I fay of this Union, lt is lndiffoluble. WhoJb:~lt {tprwate BooK 11. tu f>'om tbe love oj God, Rom, 8. 35. And if not irom his love, then ·not from ~ himfdf; lor his love made the union, . and will never futfer a feparation: Neither his Height_, who is The hrgh oud lofTy 01u, thall work in his heart, the loofncE ot h1s heart towards you: Nor any, nor all, of that depth of fin and mifery; for his Love bath an height, and depth, and breadth, and length in it; paffeth yours. And in this, our Union (as in other things) traofcencs that of Ad,rm's by the Law of his Creation; the leafi fin diffolved it; it was but a running Knot; and how flight and £lender an Union and Friend!hip mu!t that be founded upon, 0f_amdw !muJe grfferil; and which the leaf! wry un– wary thought may unknit? And fo the Creature could look at the love of God with it, bur as might be turn'd away. And to love, or apprehend one's love to me, as one that may perhaps, one day,hate me: This is Vmenum amiciti£ the po) fon of Friendfl1ip. ' This for the Union it !elf: Now for the greatning of the Grace thereof (which is my proper Scope) I !hall only refer you to Cod himfell: Hear what himfelf fpeaks of it, and what he fets it forth by; how he himfelf values the favour of it, who befi knows how to value it, that is, bcfi acquainted with him– felf, and knows what he befiows on us,, when he unites himlelf, The Scriprures I referr you to for this, are, Ifai. >7· 1 )'. For thm faith the high and Loft;· otre, that inhabiteth Etmuty, whofe Name i4 Holy; l dwe/J in the hrgh a11d ho!yP/ace;with him alfo that i4 of a colllrite and humbleSpirit: To revrve The Sp1rrt of the hu11161t, and to rev1ve the heart of tbe contrite ones.Panllel withl{r~, 66. '·and 2, Thmfaiththe Lord, the Heaven i& mf Thro11e, tmd the E.uth i& my Foot-float: Where uthe Houfe that y btuld to me? A11d where i& the place of mr Ref/? For, a/J thof'e thi11gs hathmi11e hand madt; arrd al!tho(ethings have betu, fmth the Lord: Bttl, tothi& MaTJ will I look; evm to him th{lt i& poor, mrd ofa contrite Spirit, audthat trem– bteth at my Word, 1. It i> Union with his poor Creatures, which he here indigitates, and holds up to their view, as the great benefit beflowed. [ WJth him wr/1 I dwell; J By which Phrafe, in the New Tefiament, limon with God and Chrifi, are fiill cxpreffed; as alfo in the Old; I Johll 4· 15, 16. Whofoever foal! rolljtfl, that Je[tu i4 the SmJ of God; God dwe!letb i11 him, tmd he in God: And w e have knowtJmrd believedthe Love that God bath tom: God i4 love; and he that lovtth, dwtlleth i11 God, and God itJ him; And the highefi Union of the Son of God, in and with the humane Nature, is ter– med, The dwelli1tg of the GodheadBodily, or Perfonally, Col/ofl. 2. g. Now, the Courfe God takes to Magnifie this his Grace of Union, or in– dwelling in us, is, by feuing forth the Creatnefs of himfelf, in a compara– tive with our Meannefs and Lownefs. I fl1all not here, at large orindufirioufly fet forth his Height or Loftinefs, that's not my main Defign at prefent; though that was elfewhere my Argu– ment upon the fame Text, which I opened then, to !hew the diflance ot God from the Creature: But at prefent my tingle intent and purpofe, Is to Glori– fie this Grace of Union, Brethren , God here appears in , and puts on, as great a Glory, as any where elfe the Scriptures doexprefs; and he doth it, to endear the condef. cention of his Love in Uniting himfelf unto us. I /hall make mfiance of it in each Parricular, whereby he fets forth his Grcatnefs. 1. The high and Lofty One: Hrgh, for the tranfce~dcncy and excellency of his Being: Loft;•, for his Soveraignty and Dominion, To fpeak to each· ,, 'The high o1u, or Moft High ; a Title frequently given him in Scripture, and even by the Devil himftlf to him ; God mofl high, Luke 8. z8. And it Notes out his Divine Being or Effence, to be of another kind than his Crea· tures are of; yea, •nd infinitely furpaliing theirs, in that refped : As in Eph. 4, 5, 6. o11e Lord, o11e Faith, one Baptzjin : o11e God and Fathrr of'<1!1; whoi&a6ovtall, andthrot~ghall, andill!fo?tal!, 1. Heisfaid, to be above all; denoting the fublimity ofhis Godhead and Being; and in anhigher kind ex-