Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of Eleflion. dered now as fallen, becomes not an Ad of pure Domm10n, but ofJuffJCe, ~ though put forth by his W1ll. Chap. z. And how from this comparifon ofthefe two, there accrewsthat which will~ yet magnifie the Grace ofEledion, I fhall fhew after. I fholl have firfi clear· ed and explairred the Premifes. That Gods denial of effedual r:1eans to thofe we call Reprobates to bring them to Salvation, afrcr Man is confidered as fain, is not as then. an Ad of pure Dominion, Soveraign Dominion, but bath a)UJ ordiuatum in it, whiclJ juf\Iy may move him thereunto. . . . lt is true indeed ,thofe that hold all Ads ofEleCl:Jon and Reprobatton to have been after the Fall confidcred, they do in this refped make Reprobation an Ad of pure Dominion, Namely, that if the Enquiry be why he chofe thofe.and thofe, and not the others, and why he R.eprobated, when he might have cho· fenthemwhomhe caf\ away; Andon the contrary, havccaftawaywhom be chofe, according to that, I wi/J be macifi•l, to wbom I will be mercifttl, and wbom be wi/J be bardem; and in fo doing (lay they) God lookt not at all at Sin as the Motive to his palling by thofe individu•l perfons he did pafs by:And though this be true, yet I withal mufi add, that there remains !\ill this diffe– rence, that Sin and the lofs of Holinefs man had before the Fall, did bring in a defert to be Reprobated, and to have the means to bring men dfedually to Salvation denied them, and this none can deAy, And therefore it is acknowledged by !ome, that though fin is not Caufa reprobationiJ, rokc the Ad, Eft ,,u,.;., tit' tamm caufa reprobabilitatiJ. ' •· C•P·4· c.... And further that efficacious' means lhould be withdrawn, is from their fin, S· they being now fain, according to that of CiJrift, leff they fhoutd Ji:e with their eyes, f§c. Mqtt. '3· 15. For the Fall forefeen, did from the firfi preclude them from thofe means, for it brings in a want of all good, and po!Telfes the whole of the heart with the contrary unto all thofe means, fo as God lhould not have needed to exercife any Ad ofDominion, unto the pcrfon thus fallen in this denial of means; for the guilt and power offin in the heart do preoccu– pate and prevent, or rather prepo!Tefs the room ofrhofe Principles, which ue now to be the mqns of bringing men to Glory ; fo as although M to the Ptr– fons, whom after the Fall viewed, He R.eprobated, whilf\ he chofe others to thofe means, there was indeed a Dominion exercifed, yet as to the tbillg deni– td, there was 90t a pure Prerogative exercifed, but ajuJ ordi11atum, concur– red with it, and w2s mingled with it; a jufi Caufe or Reafon, dejurt, or in right for God fo to do; and this is a certain truth, that not to grant a thing T!t Novo or, anew, that is,by a forfeiture excluded and debarred to be given, is not a meer Ad of denial thereof, or pure Ad ofPrerogativ.e, for there i5 defert in it, why it fhould bedone, but this is the Cafe in the Point afore us. And I fpeak thus ofit, although they forfeited in Adam,what indeed was le(, in fome refpeds, than is required now, as the means to bring them unto Glory, yet in fubf\ance it is the fame Image ofGod that was Created then, that is, Created now. Yet !o, as by the guilt ofthat lofs there arofe a juft prohibition in Law againfi the giving_of new means to bring fain Man to Salvation by, without anew interpofition ofSoveraign Grace. So as now the workjng ofthat Grace and of Holinefs in m, that are now Or– dained to be tbe tfjetfuat merms havi11g Salvation in them, as the Apoflle fpeaks, Heb. 6. 9· flow all purely and immediately from Election, and the [ruitsofit, yea, and become an Adofhigher Dominion, than was exercifed m that othQr, to the end aod that not only becaufe that aU i& afrre gift, as Rom. 5. 15. r6. in this refped, thor there was anutter want ofPower to bring forth fuch efficacious Ads unto Salvation, yea, a Principle contrary unto all the Works ofGrace; but alfo in this, that there was a defert to the contrary by a Law, even the Law of our Creation; fo as now there mull be an o– verruling Dominion of Grace exerted eo work them, A11d11ow its not i11 bim tbat rtms, tJOr ;, bim that wi/Js, bm in God tbatjbtwJ mercy, which is fpo– ken in refped to ibe means ofSalvation : And indeed all the withdrawings ofthofe means alter the Fall are to be confidered as jttdicial Atfs in G0d , as leaving them unto Sins and Damnation following thereupon : Thefe are all s. z alon~: