Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of Eleflion. and there was the fame provocation to deny it to thofe the Elett, .conlidcred ~ as now fain as was to the other, ifthe Dominion of Grace and Love had not Chap. 2, fiept in. And therefore in I{aiah 41· Verf 9• Tis fa id that when Gods Law ~ chofe thee, He might havecajl thee away. Thou whom I have takmfrom the Ends ofthe Earth, a11d caOed thee from the chJtfmm thereof, andj{tid untothu, Thou art my Servant, I have cho(en thee and11ot cajl thee away. Of which fpeech there may be a doublemeaning. I. That God was immutable in his Love, that whom he hadfo chofen, he wott!d 11tfJtr cart away; Or, 2. That when he chofe them, it was Free to Him, and he might as eafily have laid them afide, It was to him but as a man would turn a Key one way or th'other, to lock, or unlock. .It was but faying, Tea, onto, .Jknow you, or I know you not, CHAP.