Of EMlion. 1 39 CHAP. IV.· ~ ChaP·4· ~ .O[the common condition ofthe Elefl, and rejefled in the fain Eflate ofMan~nd. . 1 he Infinity of Grace to– ward the Grace Miignifj'd by the con(ideration of their being fegregated out of that (Je1mal corrupt Mafr, wherein they lay equaUy with otherr : Godr Infinite Grace in choojing ur alfo difoovered by the vtift Dif proportion of Numbet between the Elefl, and tbe Refi. WE have feen what that Act ofEleGfiori without arid afore the Conli– deration ofthe Fall cloth afford. Let us now defcend unto what the ProfpcCf ofMans Condition (as it lay alfo afore God, and was difpofed ofby him) confidered M faln, will i~ the like compara~ive way, contnbute to this Argument. And this the Scnptures do more mlarge upon, as that wh1ch cloth far above the Jormer magnifie the Glory ofElecting Grace, and by fo much more as thee– vil of fm Man is fain into; and the mifery thereby doth exceed a State of meer 11 othing, or ofno Being at all, or but meer poiiibility ofBeing. And here al– fot~at Qyere ofthe Apo!He hath . its mofl eminent lufire, Who made thu to differ? 1 Cor. 4· 7· G 0 D. And what in God ? EL E CTI 0 N, The Ele– flioll o~tained it, attdthe refi wete btiuded. And it is this Comparifon between Elect and the ltefi after the Fall~ it is the Condition wherein the one or other are loucd in after the Fall, which is the thief and principal, to inhance this difcriminaring or differencing Grace, al– though the cornparifon ofNumber will follow us in this too. Now the view of the Conditions ofMcn after the Fall, are reduced to Two Heads. , , The Common alike Univerlal Condition by, and through the Fall of Adam; That all have finned and come lhort ofthe Glory of God, as the Apo– filcdeclares. Or, 2, The feveral and more particular Conditions amongfi Mankind tipon the ' Fall, in their variety; as for infiance, fevetal Sifd and Degrees of actual fins, and other Circumflances, which men Elect, with the Refi fiand in, and were thereto forefeen, and difpofed of by God, fo to fall out when he then chofe us through the means ofSalvation; all and each of which, do tend to rnagnifie this Election Grace. , I. The Common Univedal, and alike Condition ofMan Fain. And to fet forth the grearnefs ofthis Grace and Mercy, is the full asd fer fcope M the A· pnflte in Ephe[. 2. I, 2. where fpeaking or their CuUi>zg ( which is the Look– ing-Glafs of Elrflion) he prefents them a!zke dead infins and trejpaj{es, as the whole bulkand Body ofMankind were in, and thefe Elefl onrs, Chapter, tj/. together with them, Wt( fays he) evm as others, that's his Compa– rative, as it tsmme here, and thofe others were offuch as God Eternally left in that condition, palling by them, and leaving them even as he found them, and by this h<heightens the Grace, Love, and Mercy God had born to them, as the Caufe ofall this, Vrrf. 4· Accordiltg as he bath chofm m in him, before thtfoundatzon of tht World, th,>t we jbould be holy and without /;lame before hnn in Love. And he conclude& thereupon, by Graceyo11 are favrd, Verfe 'i· T 2 an