OfEleflion. thrm, tvrn you a6ovt a/Jpeoplt, _tU zt t& thu duj. Although at Ver{e 1 4 . (and ~, he fays it with a Behold, of mfin1te wonderment;_B tholdI Th, Heavm m;d Chap. 4· tht HeavetJs u the Lords thy God, the Earth aljo wzth a/J -that therei11 u:~ Which is as if he had laid, Though he had enough before him of Angels once in Heaven, and of Men on Earth, yet tillS zs thy Prz~zledge above all, that God chofeout fo few at iir!l, when he chofo thee, whzch Vtrj. ult. he minds them of: Thy Fathers went dow11 i11to Egypt wzth thrteji:ore and ten perfims; and now thy Lord thy God bath made thee tU the St<Jrs ofHMven. And again, though he had the Heaven of Hetzvens, large enough for Milhons of Worlds of men ro have filled it, many Man(ions a~ Chri!l fays, yet he took thofe few of Jfrstl, and of thofe but aRemnaut to polTefs it, and gave the Earth only unto all-the Rtj/; with which falls in, P{al. 11~. r~. TotJ rm the 6/t./Jed of the .Lord which made Heavm and Earth: For fo it follows, Ver{: 16. The HM. ven., rvm tht Hmvens are the Lords: But the Kzrth buth he given to the childrm of mm. That is, he hath culled or lingled forth [you) from out of the re!l of the children of men, as whom he would blefs with all Blellings in htav mly thi11gs; but hath given the Earth, and the Blellings thereof, to the reft of the children of men. · And now to affect ycur hearts, begin to ca!l your eyes fir!l upon that world of Mankind which is now extant and in being at this day, and you may even well nigh fay of the men of th1s Age and World in a!l Nati?ns at the prefent, as the Apofile did of all Natwns for the ume p•!l unul hzs tzmes, God fuffers them tow alk itttheir owrz Wt!J!. Or you may fay as the Apollle Joh11 faid of the fame Age, and the thenprefmt evil world,(as Pmll Epithites it,G•I. 1 -4-) fo of this prefent froward Generation of Mankind, that the wholt world ltts i11 wickedtujs, And thofe few of us that are of God, are thin fowen, a poor fmall handful of gleaning unto the whole great Crop of Mankind; you have it 1 7oh. 5'· 19. This we k11ow, faith he there. And by the fame anointing weal– fo now may fee the fame event, and de {afto to be the fame, And what falls out thus in the event, is but Spuulum decretivum 'Du·, the Looking-glafs of, and reprefenteth what lay in God's Decrees from everle!ling. And oh, how deeply fhould the Comparative of this affect our hearts! For a few to be tingled forth and faved, when a multitude, yea a generality of ethers, are fuffered to perifh ! How doth it heighten the mercy and grace of a Salvation to us, that is but of a lower kind, as ifbut Temporal deliverances from Bodily death, or the like: And for God in his Providence to order many outward means to fave and deliver a few, which he d~nies to thoie others,who perifh. How cloth this affed: the perfons that are preferved? How much more when it falls out thus in fo great n Salvatio11 as this is, as the Apo!lle fays of it? This you may fee in fuch Examples as were but Types and meer Shadows in comparifon of this very thing, as in the ln!lance of Nonh and his Family in the Flood appeared: GodJaved Noah (fays the Text) 6ringi11g i11 the Flood 11po11 the [world] of the ungodly; even tht wholt World of thtm, And it is refolved into this by God himfelf, Gf1J. 6. 7, 8. But Noah jou11dgrace i11 the tyts of the Lord: which Grace was as there heightened by this Comparative of his de!lroyingmmz from off the Earth, as in the fame Vtr{r, who were a world of ungodly, as the Apofile fays. The fame appears in the Example of Lot, pulled out of Sodom by the hand and force of Angels (even as we were ordained to be delivered, as by fore,, as the word ip1~ .. 1. lignifies in Coloff.u4. Savtdoutof thtfire, fays Jude. And Pattl alfo in • Cor. 3· 1~.) Tht Lord 6eing merciftll, fays the Text. Gm. I 9· I 6. And behold with what, and how deep a fenfe and valew did Lot entertain this mercy. Lot did greaten it to himfelf, from this Comparative between him and thofe in Sodom, in the fame Gm.zg. '9• BtholdI no"' thy Serva11t bath found Gract i11 thy fight, andthou hafl magnified thy mtrcy, which thou f:oajl }htwtd unto mt i11 Javing my life. But