Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of EleEJion. ~ But there is this further to be confidered in our being thus delivered forth BooK Ill. of this our condition of like finfulnefs and wrath, that w~s different in the ~Cafe of LotorNoah., Noah wasrighttoU!it~ his Gtlltration,~c. And of Lot 'tis faid, his rightro:u foul was vtxtd, ~c. They were not guilty of the fame fms in common with others, for which God brought the flood and fire. And their Cohdition was then; de faCio, changed by Grace from the fiate of fin unto a fiate of holinefs. , But here, when we wete ordaitJtiunto Salvation, we lay afore the great God in a like Condition'Of Guilt and Reprobability, as to the means that all lay in; aod that then the Decree concerning us, lhould alter and change that fiate of Sin , into which we were fain, into a fiate bf Grace and Righteoufnefs, a• the means to bring us to Glory. How fiupendions was the Mercy of God towards us ! All had finned, and there was no difference, as Rom. 3• '9• None fuch as between Noah and the Old World therewas 0 when God faved him in the Ark. CHAP.