Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

OfEleflion. known and chojm hrreu1tlo; and according\y, .that Kingdom they were entring ~-, into was prepared from the Foundation of the World , unto which they Chap. 5· wer;chofen. And the oppofite negation thereof will be avowedly profelfed ~ and acknowledged by Chrifr himfelf, ro have been at the Head of thefe two Jlfues of the Sons of Men. ---Whereby., how will (as it mufl: needs) Eled:ing Grace be; J~limrely extolled 1 and With what ExaltatiOn of lt ~nd Exultation of Spm t mus, and a~oratwn of God, WJII tlm Comp~rauve ( fo little minded )be then entertamed by us; Even whtch I have all thts wh .le exhorted you unto1 And yet whofe Heart almofl:doth the Confideration of this enter into and frrike 1 Indeed becaufc what is yet to come we know not, and what is pail is, failed out of fight, and fo affed:s us not.. Oh ! yet, how confpicuous lhall all this be at that day,whenChrifllhall have the whole World Randozvouzed afore him? Even when the fucceiTion and account ofthe World iliall have been linilhed and perfed:ed, and the Stories of all be told. You that are the chofen of God, having this large profped: afore you, may further affed: your hearts with thefe Particulars of ) our feveral Conditi· ons. I. Particular. You were fore-viewed by God when chofen,as thofe that would allually of themfelves run into the fame excefs of finnings, the yery fame fins, with all and the Lke Circumflances of Aggravation, and in • continued courfe of linning, afore their effed:ual Calling, that others, the Refl, are a11d have been and lhall be le!'t unto no difference at all in that refped: neither, as the fame' 2. Ephef. 2. ~ 3· Verj, -Wherein iu time paft ye walktd accordi11g to tht courfe of thu world, accordi11g to the Prince of the Power of the .llir, tht Spirit that now worktth in the chztdrm of Vifo!Jediencc: .llmong whom aJ{o we bado11r converjatzon tn tzmes psp, zn the lufls vf our jlejh, fulftUing the defirts of the fl,jh, and of the mind; andwtrt 6y nature the chzldrtn of wrath M weUM others, And then comes in the like [ Bz1t ] Verje 4. But God who u rich in mtrcy, for hu grtat love whtrewith he lovtd w, Evm whm we were dead i1t fins, bath quzckntd 1M togtther with Chrifl, (!>c. As in that 2. The][. 2, q, '4· Now confider that God hath and dorh luffer thefe [ o– thers J to go on and perfifl: in that courfe to the end of their days, and to dye in their fins. And if thou had(\ gone on, what a Monflerin finning would{t thou have proved to be? How great and fwellmg Toad in wickednefs? This might have been thy lot, But God had orda1ned thee by Faith and Repen– ance, (whereby ~e called thee with an holy Calling) to obtain Salvation through Jefus Chnf\. Tlus the foregone Rule g1ven,concerning both Calling and Eled:ion, dorh fullimmly alfo confirm :. For Calling finds us in all rhe lin– fulnef• of our fore-paffed courfe, and therelore Election viewed us in the fame at Calling. The fame hornd fin of Crucifying Chrifl, which the Elders of the Jews ran into, aod the generality of the People, for which they were re– mitten to that Condemnation, thoufands of the Eled: Jews were guilty of, to– gether with them, and yet they were faved from that froward Gtneratzoll; which expreiTion ufed by Peter, refped:tth the generality of that Nation in that Age, and is ufed ro fer forth the greatnefs of that Salvation tendred them (they now beginning to cepent) fo to move and promove them thereunro,and to draw them unto Faith on C:Irifl; and yet the fin ot Crucifying Chrifl was committed by them that were (there) faved, as well as by t hole tlut perilh· ed. And as the Perfons were ordained to one or r'orher of thefe Ends or llfues of them, fo all things that concerned that hideous Ad:. were all fore-determi– ned by God's Eternal Counfel, as they were committed by the one as by the other. Aels 4· 28. For to do whatfoevtr thy hand(11Jd thy counftl determilzed 6tjore to 6t done. 11. Particular. That even after elfedual Calling, many of thefe Fled: (and it may be it bath been fame of their Cafes that hear me) were fore-viewed to run through many of t:1e fame finful Temptations; yea, and to fall into rhe like grofs ad:s of the like kind of finning for a feafon, which of themfelves V would